
[citation needed]

I swear, you bring up that “oh if we just took away the pads and helmets everything would be SO MUCH SAFER” because you know it makes me rage, don’t you?

I think this is similar to the hat rule, in that you could somewhat hide your appearance by wearing a drastically different style of glasses and it just makes it harder for the person to verify identity.

I didn’t think VW had anyone working in Nebraska...

You keep mentioning the endowment like it is a budget surplus. That isn’t the case. You can’t really just dip into an endowment to spend whatever you want. The point of an endowment that size is to operate on whatever the growth occurs and maintain its size so you can continue to operating on the

She’s not wrong on this point. It is similar to flag burning: a legitimate, legal act of protest that some people may take objection to (like most acts of protest).

I hear stuff like this and I wonder: really? Has he really “reignited” or advanced the discussion? Is there quantifiable proof? The advancement I’m seeing here is the race to see who can have the most original or creative National Anthem “protest.”

“good on race and justice”

This is the least bad “bad opinion” I’ve heard on this.

The cheat is there, at minimum on the Cayenne diesels.

If there’s nobody around I tend to leave the right lane open for for people merging on and off.

If you can’t understand there is a difference between Republicans and Conservatives, you probably shouldn’t write about politics.  

Try reading up on what “fair use” constitutes before defending this broad.

If she fights this though, there’s a big chance of losing it because the point Fox makes is correct; she doesn’t distance herself from the brand, just straight up singles the character out for her own brand which isn’t legal. This can be claimed as a false sense of endorsement.

She could solve it by using other branded

The don’t need to be frozen but they do need to be double fried. I’m sure par-boiling helps, too, but Serious Eats did a comparison a while back and concluded it wasn’t the same as double frying:

They don’t necessarily have to be frozen, but at least be par boiled to get some of the starch out, which inhibits fresh, uncooked fries from getting a nice, crispy exterior. Absolutely fresh fries just get dark and limp, not even worth making, much less eating.

Not to defend Drumpf but... frozen fries are generally better than freshly cut fries in my experience. It’s because they’re par cooked before freezing, so you end up double frying them by default. Double frying is the key to french fry awesomeness.

Are they unmolested? Because finding an unmolested STI is like finding an unmolested orphan at a Catholic orphanage. Sure you can find them, but the seller isn’t going to be upfront and you’ll only find out about their bad touch down the road.

Be at the same speed as traffic when merging. Be at the same speed as the traffic you are merging into.

The upside to the bisected rear window is it blocks the headlights of cars behind you when doing 63 mph in the fast lane. You can’t even tell how many people are back there!