
I have discovered during the recent lead up to Beauty and the Beast that Disney Princess fans are the least accepting of change of any fandom I have seen. Every moment of every original seems to be deemed a masterpiece that cannot be changed.

[citation needed]

I swear, you bring up that “oh if we just took away the pads and helmets everything would be SO MUCH SAFER” because you know it makes me rage, don’t you?

I think this is similar to the hat rule, in that you could somewhat hide your appearance by wearing a drastically different style of glasses and it just makes it harder for the person to verify identity.

I didn’t think VW had anyone working in Nebraska...

Wait, io9 does two posts by two separate authors stating that people were justified in freaking out the possibility of a white lead based on a blog that no one’s ever read before?

The first thing I heard about this was that it wasn’t true. Afterwards I saw io9's article from yesterday, and I facepalmed.

following incredibly (and justifiably) angry reactions yesterday to a report claiming

“Vulture, citing sources close to the production, claims that while the original script did feature such a role, it was purchased by Disney merely as a jumping-off point rather than the intended final product.”

I realize she can have a point. I was partly curious on why Warzone was mentioned and wanted to make a joke about it being a horrid film.

Considering Punisher: War Zone was a godawful abomination of a movie I do not consider this person an expert to rely upon the opinion of.

Now playing

The only reason why he and his entourage decide to help the Chinese Imperial Army is because he sets eyes on Mulan.

Somebody, somewhere, may or may not have seen a script that may or may not exist, and now lets all get outraged!

While not unheard of - its pretty damned uncommon for studios to buy spec scripts for properties they already control. So, I think Ill wait till there’s something more concrete than “a guy online says” (a guy who just generated a shitton of traffic for his blog) before getting too concerned.

Yeah, gonna take this with a ridiculous amount of salt until something more concrete comes about.

the description of the script that this person read starts out curious and ends up ludicrous - the story it describes is not the story of mulan. i’m caught somewhere between i cannot believe that two women would ever write such a farcical thing and that disney would ever create a live action version of a property

Do people want a Sherlock 3? I enjoyed the first one but literally fell asleep during the second one

You keep mentioning the endowment like it is a budget surplus. That isn’t the case. You can’t really just dip into an endowment to spend whatever you want. The point of an endowment that size is to operate on whatever the growth occurs and maintain its size so you can continue to operating on the

She’s not wrong on this point. It is similar to flag burning: a legitimate, legal act of protest that some people may take objection to (like most acts of protest).

“good on race and justice”