
Yeah, that premise is almost exactly what happened to my old boss’ family in the Soviet Union. His great-grandmother was locked up for criticizing the regime, his great-grandfather was locked up for being married to a woman who criticized the regime, and his grandfather was sent to an indoctrination-focused orphanage

I think existing is enough, considering that it really wants that territory.

They should set up a shell office in Kragujevac and market the cars as Yoguslavian. Yugoslav cars are famous for their quality.

Also, there’s that successful stage adaptation. All you need is someone who knows the right way to adapt for the camera (I think the big thing for adapting from stage is geometry, as they look flat if you don’t account for the fact that the the viewpoint can move, although I suppose acting’s also up there because

I mean, she won’t be married to the director this time. That’s always a step up. Nothing worse than a creative whose only supervision has a personal relationship with him/her (for example, has any book series ever gotten better when the writer married his editor?).

At least with the tofu, does putting in the sous vide for an hour actually yeild any benefits compared to just throwing it all in the pan and stir frying?


The really weird thing is that there was a player for the other team who couldn’t go five seconds without a foul and seemed to be trying to murder people. I think I saw a knife at one point. Did the media talk about him at all? No.

GTA is odd in that you’re odd. People who play as lawful good in Fallout will want to investigate hooker explosion physics the second they boot up GTA.

Eh, I think the only thing of any real significance was what wasn’t in there. Once you get past the remarkable lack of policy analysis from the candidate presenting herself as a “policy wonk” (and the large amount of political and optical analysis from someone who says that her main mistake is not doing that enough),

Just reply with a blank email with the subject line “hi, how are you?” Whatever you do, don’t acknowledge the existence of email content.

So, what’s it like working for Clinton?

That second paragraph reminds me of an article about how carbon paper changed everything. Because of copies, you got filing and multi-recipient write-ups. Because of filing and multi-recipient copying, you got single subject memos instead of long, rambling letters going over everything the recipient needed to be told.

I’d say Cruz or Bush would have this in the bag, too, but Trump actually bothers to court Republican votes and they never did (which I’m pretty sure is the main reason why so many people who disagree to at least some of his racism or sexism still support him).

Isn’t the main difference between American chocolate and European the dairy content and thus texture (when in doubt, Americans will always favour texture over flavour)?

Note that the target demographic of the shows is the same age as the characters being shown off. The Japanese media environment is much more willing to admit to the sexuality of underage consumers and thus cater to it somewhat openly. There could actually be a good bit of racial subtext read into how people openly

I don’t know about everyone else, but I didn’t find all the nudity in KLK all that titillating, most likely due to the very flat, uncontoured style.

The only big gaps I can see are not pushing when there was stress put on the fanservice being of teen characters (as not considering that the shows are largely aimed at teens in Japan seems to be inconsistent with the claim that the Japanese perspective will be considered) and the characterization of Yuri on Ice as on

If I might ask, how would you tweak these games, or shooters in general? It seems like the introduction of grenades (especially impact grenades, which seem to be oddly absent in gaming) and mortars would be a good way to mix up the use of cover (both by flushing players out of cover and giving players a potent weapon

I’m always surprised that this Jalop list (or its contents) don’t come up in this discussion more, given that reliable vintage cars seem like a good way to score distinctiveness at a value.