
When the truck drivers strike over the automated Trucks taking their jobs is the last time they will strike while being truck drivers. You can only strike if they need you.

This is already present in the market place, these firms are just going over the top but overtly stating the intention.

If they stopped doing that, Crossovers would largely cease to exist.

*mic drop*

5th Gear: Verizon Will Have A Lot To Do With Autonomous Cars

I thought Tumblr was already filled to the brim with a vast variety of self-proclaiming, nonexistent creatures that are demanding real-world representation.

A lot of other phone makers have been pushing the envelope on “this is the future” quite a while now as well, like wireless charging, water proofedness, high tech cameras. Apple doing something different like removing the headphone jack isn’t necessarily revolutionary or even advantages. Especially when you consider


Funny, I’ve had water resistant phones with a headphone jack. Actually washed it off in a sink after dropping it on the bathroom floor at a bar.

It is actually a question of scientific ethics, and I am sure MIT has at least one professor of the subject that was in on this decision.

Yeah, kinda like the diagram for the people that support Kaepernck’s right to speak his mind and are glad Clevenger lost his job.

Somehow I doubt a human being is going to be verifying reports. They’ll get flooded by so many reports from this that they’ll fall back on some kind of automated system. Like as soon as 20 people flag a video it will cross a threshold and be declared ‘inappropriate’ regardless of the actual content.

Defending this makes it harder for me to feasibly defend this site. Encouraging mass attempts at censorship because of ‘harassment’ is a term like ‘terrorism’. It can quickly be expanded to mean many things to fit personal desires of political groups to limit intellectual political discussion.

Yes, but since Gawker was sent to sleep with the fishes, Gawkerish Concourse posts seem about half the Deadspin content...which is fair to neither Deadspin nor the Concourse/ersatz Gawker content developers.

As a former Charlotte resident this is sad, always such an easygoing town. However I fail to see how a black officer shooting a black citizen prompts the beating of a white man in a parking garage and a call for a ban on white businesses. The protesters are determined to make this a racial issues and reinforce the

I’ve never send mine into an inanimate object.

The big difference for Hampton Creek is that they won the right to call the product “mayo” (and put an egg on the label), despite protests from the egg board and a lawsuit from Hellman’s

The issue isn’t with covering Peter Thiel companies, no matter how remotely involved he might be. The problem is disclosure, so that the reader can be informed of any bias to the article. Non-disclosure makes it seem shady, just like Hogan not revealing Thiel was backing his lawsuits.

I still don’t get why Rhodey’s death even has anything to do with the pre-crime debate. He got killed in a fight with Thanos, which is always a risk when you are a superhero and you go fight Thanos. Why would it have made a difference whether Rhodey went because of Ulysses’ future vision or because he saw Thanos

“Tetrick used supermarket sales figures much as he used the environmental claims—to raise venture capital from a cast of billionaires including founder Marc Benioff, tech investor Vinod Khosla, Hong Kong developer Li Ka-shing, and entrepreneur and venture capitalist Peter Thiel.”
From the Bloomberg

This is super sad, I kept reading until the end hoping to find out their vegan mayo really wasn’t vegan. Now I feel duped!