
This is a 7-passenger sedan from 1930. Sedans are not dead. They just evolved back to their earlier form before trunks were added to the back end.

This guy infuriates me. It’s like he’s not even trying to get any of these to work. Take the popsicle stick in a watermelon example. You obviously have to put a steak knife through the rind to get it started. Or the glitter one. If he was even remotely careful that would have worked. Or maybe try a larger cookie

I firmly agree that localized damage can go a long way to making a game feel a great deal more immersive; the example I will forever and always go to is Metal Gear Solid 2: SoL. From the ability to disable soldiers limbs, affect the effectiveness of tranquilizers, and shoot hand radios, to creating environmental

Speaking of feedback, not enough shooters have feedback in the form of hit markers and different audio cues for hits/headshots/kills. It doesn’t have to sound like you’re going to town on a clown horn with a hammer, but differentiated audio and visual cues make it so much easier to judge how well my shots are landing,

While I’m thrilled to see Philly on this list, why is there basically nothing above the Mason Dixon line? Was there any thought put into where college students need to road trip *from* (noted lack of anything close to Boston/New England, Chicago, Seattle...)

It’s from the ‘80s?

Belichick doesn't hang with Trump. I seriously doubt he even knows who he is. He's ... focused.

Plants are also living so unless you have a great recipe for making stones edible you’ll just have to accept the fact that sustaining life requires death.

Counterpoint: there was a point in time there was only one white guy on the Celtics, and he was named Darko.

None of those other options is as good as involving the corpse. Chicken is a wonderful source of protein. You may be ethically opposed to its use, but nobody asked you about your moral or ethical positions on dietary choices.

I readily concede that Boston fans are awful (although to be fair, most fans are). But Deflategate is complete and utter horseshit that is wholly debunked by basic science. It’s like Roger Goodell bought an ice sculpture of himself to keep outside on his lawn, and the next morning came out and was horrified to find

Drew, as a Patriots fan, I expected better. This was room temperature vitriol at best.

It is censorship.

But it’s not government censorship. It’s a company setting their rules that people have to follow if they want to use that company’s property. That’s Google’s prerogative. I’m assuming there’s going to be a pretty big uptick at Vimeo in the next few weeks as many of these very popular vloggers move

While YouTube has every right to regulate what kind of content appears on its site, we also have every right to criticize censoring that content because of concerns from advertisements, and advertisers have every right to make their continued payment for ads contingent on YouTube doing something like this.

Isn’t this the same Youtube that recommends me videos of animals being killed in highly graphic fashion because I regularly look at cute kitten streams/videos or recommends me videos of people being murdered because I watched a bunch of old horror movies?

Really? Are ALL advertisers against such stuff? Really?

I have no problem with any of the writers, any of the articles on the former website, or anything really to do with Gawker in general. I just don’t like the fact that it seems like every article the former Gawker writers author is immediately cross-posted to Deadspin.

Hamilton Nolan

Counter-argument: the current MPG system allows an easily comparable metric. I know that the EPA says this car gets 30mpg, this other one 32. Whether or not *I* get that mileage isn’t as important as the comparison between the two.