

There. Now it’s news, not a declarative judgement.

I’m not Kryptonian, can I wear a Superman costume?

I didn’t know that only white kids buy halloween costumes. Learn something new every day.

The Maui costume is a lose/lose proposition. They offered it and it’s offensive because the base ‘skin’ is brown. If they’d offered the costume in an array of skin tones as the base, they’d be accused of white-washing.

Woah. The costume does NOT have “darker skin.” It has *a* skin shade which may be darker or lighter depending on what color your skin is. While I think the costume is problematic, let’s not compound things by discussing the issue assuming white-as-default or engaging in minority erasure.

I have quite a few Polynesian friends, and I asked them about the costume. None of them thought it was problem, but they also didn’t know anything about the movie.

Does anybody have any personal knowledge of Polynesian being offended at costume?

No, they’re ‘appropriating’ it because the internet needed something to be upset over.

So they are ‘appropriating’ the culture for telling a story based on its mythololgy? What about other films ‘approriating’ western and european tales and mythology?

Nah it was probably more like this:

“We have a huge movie coming out and we always have costumes for our big characters! How do we handle a shirtless character? We can’t really have kids running around half naked on Halloween. Let’s think of the children!”


So I guess Polynesian kids who’d love to have worn this costume can fuck off, right?

I wonder what would be the “right” way to make costumes and such related to this movie. I guess the answer is “don’t”, but that’s not really acceptable to Disney.

Here is the reason they are talking about it:

You guys realize you’re the new Moral Majority, right?

Hooray for reducing diversity in the costume aisles! White kids should stick to dressing up as white characters, as God intended.

It really isn’t that offensive, they probably just got tired of listening to people looking for reasons to think it was.

Not sure how they’re using the absence of vowels to date the scroll. The book of Leviticus (as part of a Torah scroll) is traditionally written without vowels, so that’s nothing special. So are modern Hebrew and Arabic, for that matter.

No, I’m guessing it has to do with how the game uses stereotypes to populate its world. Like Van Pelt in the original. Remember, her character’s name is “Ruby Roundhouse”, and the Rock’s is “Smolder Bravestone.” I’ll bet they’re all forced to play roles defined by pulp stereotypes from the 1930s radio dramas or

Overwatch is a shameless Battleborn ripoff in it’s own right