
Bonds was a very good player before the steroids, no doubt about that. He might have even had a HOF career without, but you can’t deny how obvious his steroid usage is. Meanwhile, Ortiz hasn’t failed a test in over a dozen years, and as someone above mentioned, the test he supposedly “failed” wasn’t a real drug test,

“Let’s also go into the idea that seduction is one of Ivy’s “classic, canonical powers.” It’s not entirely wrong, but her signature power is manipulating plant life.”

I’m amazed they haven’t done this on Cutthroat Kitchen yet.

watch the marketing again. There is a Misdirect in all of the ads that Finn is the Jedi in training, NOT Rey. (except for maybe the Duracell Ad)

I think they mean the secret of her being the Jedi. The posters all showed Finn with the lightsaber... which does make it seem like he’d be the main character.

Oh, yes. You can be certain that China would respond to a prominently placed Tibetn actor.

Maybe we can get a special edition of Doctor Strange with a Tibetan actor in the role of the Ancient One. It'd be faithful to the comics and I’m sure Beijing would love having one of their citizens featured so prominently in such a high profile film.

Ryan - you did read the heading of the article right? They use the word “disaster”. That’s a bad thing. I’m pretty sure they do a lot of murdering during the daylight hours that you let your cats out for.

What bugs me is if you let it live outside to kill hundreds of birds and get all up in my yard, why is it exmpt from being killed?

It’s so funny to me that there is this huge divide between cat people and dog people. I’ve had dogs my whole life and they teach you so much growing up. Teach you to be social, nice, thankful, loving, fun, respect, exercise, smarts, activities, bravery, and outgoing... basically everything cat people aren’t.

Does anyone remember the Vet who shot the feral cat and how the entire Internet world destroyed her online?

Every single mid-80s-birthed person I know are certain they’re Millennials.

Average age of NFL players is less than 25 with an average career length of 3.3 years, so that makes Edelman positively elderly at the ripe old age of 30.

As someone with Scandinavian heritage it royally pissed me off last year when all of the little girls of various non scandavian heritage were dressing up as our legendary Snow Queen, Elsa. They even wore Blonde wigs!!!! Brown kids with Blonde wigs!!! How dare they!?!

“simply make a costume overlay that puts the tattoos on the child’s own skin color”

So no brown face shown? Just assumption that kids will paint their faces brown?


But then it wouldn’t be sous vide.

The previews of this movie felt like what would happen if a basement-dwelling keyboard jockey wrote a movie about himself where he could live every fantasy of being cool and capable, with the hot girlfriend and exciting life. This article sounds like I’m correct.