
But the most off-putting thing about

It’s an interesting idea (and one i intuitively agree with) that scary stories might serve a purpose, and at a minimum, aren’t harmful to children. That being said, am i mistaken or was there zero science here? All I saw was the opinion of one random sociologist.

I brought this up once before, but the “stairways move without warning” thing is the lame interpretation from the first Harry Potter movie. In the book, it was more subtle, more that certain stairways “led somewhere different on a Friday” or that everything in Hogwarts “seemed to move around a lot” so that students

I am not defending Univision’s actions because we will NEVER have the whole truth about the subject but these “Gawker is innocent guys! Come on! Stop picking on me!!!” posts have to stop. It’s embarrassing. You deal in smut, you eventually get repercussions. Let Gawker die please. Find a way to channel all this crap

There was the episode where a planet mimicked 1920s earth. They drove around in cars that looked like Model As but they were made by aliens.

The reason this building isn’t selling is very simple and it has nothing to do with the novelty... it’s the fact that it’s in a small town an hour’s drive from Columbus, Ohio. Nobody wants to relocate their business there.

Some say that for the second generation they will add “revolutionary” features that competitors have had for decades and market them with catchy names.

I love “In the Pale Moonlight” but I think it only works because there were already nearly 400 episodes of Star Trek showing Star Fleet captains obeying the Prime Directive and generally doing the right thing. I honestly believe that if you had even 4 or 5 total episodes like “In the Pale Moonlight” it would stop

Haha! Got those bigoted bastards! Wait, Massachusetts is arguably the most liberal state in the country? But that doesn’t fit the racist legacy of Tom Yawkey (who died over 40 years ago). Ehh, force it anyway.

This is a 7-passenger sedan from 1930. Sedans are not dead. They just evolved back to their earlier form before trunks were added to the back end.

This guy infuriates me. It’s like he’s not even trying to get any of these to work. Take the popsicle stick in a watermelon example. You obviously have to put a steak knife through the rind to get it started. Or the glitter one. If he was even remotely careful that would have worked. Or maybe try a larger cookie

Wanting to be alone for 90 years with Jennifer Lawrence is a character flaw many people have.

I firmly agree that localized damage can go a long way to making a game feel a great deal more immersive; the example I will forever and always go to is Metal Gear Solid 2: SoL. From the ability to disable soldiers limbs, affect the effectiveness of tranquilizers, and shoot hand radios, to creating environmental

Speaking of feedback, not enough shooters have feedback in the form of hit markers and different audio cues for hits/headshots/kills. It doesn’t have to sound like you’re going to town on a clown horn with a hammer, but differentiated audio and visual cues make it so much easier to judge how well my shots are landing,

What other people have done doesn’t absolve Clinton of wrongdoing. You’re acting like everyone must shut up and fall in lockstep behind Hillary Clinton simply because she’s not Hitler Reincarnate.

“Yawn. Another manufactured “scandal” to join all the others.”

Obviously it must be ignored. Its her turn!

Curious, why do you say this is “manufactured”? Maybe it’s not treasonous, maybe it’s not criminal (not yet at least) and maybe it should not bar her from being President but seriously why should this be ignored?

For Christ’s sake.

Counter-argument: the current MPG system allows an easily comparable metric. I know that the EPA says this car gets 30mpg, this other one 32. Whether or not *I* get that mileage isn’t as important as the comparison between the two.