
So DC cancels Young Justice which in no ways panders to a certain audience but because it’s high level of female fans, and you condemn them. They release a new line of female oriented DC dolls which has the characters all in high school, wearing elaborate outfits and just around every girl stereotype, and you love it?

From what I’ve seen as an outsider it looks like the GamerGate thing was massively overblown by the media, the very media that GG is criticizing, almost like there’s ulterior motives at work.

This shit is bad for all sides of the argument and all people involved. I’m strongly agaisnt removal of content or altering content during localizations. I bought Fire Emblem Fates, but I canceled my Bravely Second preorder (mostly for altered endings and editing the art book).

I think if someone cares about diversity and is disappointed that Danny Rand was cast with a white actor but was not disappointed when Jessica Jones was cast with a white actress, they should do some thinking about their own racial bias.

Wait, if that’s what they thought, wouldn’t the *be* making Suicide Squad R-Rated?

“So do we now stop defending black women because of what happened?”

“Love or hate Banksy, the idea that his art is a “minor terrorist act” is clearly unfair.” Well, maybe somewhat unfair, but it is causing property damage in furtherance of a political agenda (for most of his pieces, at least). It’s different from smashing someone’s shop windows because you don’t like them or their

So your argument is that the character should be Asian because there’s a lot of Asian culture associated with them? By that logic, every Basketball player in a movie should be black, every lawyer in movies has to be Jewish and every businessman has to be an old white guy.

Manufactured outrage seems to happen a lot around these parts. Even when there are actually things to be upset about or things to praise.

Ever since his comics debut in 1974, Danny Rand has been a rich white kid who happens across the mystical city of K’un L’un, gets taught martial arts, and of course turns out to be better at them than any of the natives.

His character was, and is, an appropriation of Asian culture

So white people can’t be good at martial arts, only Asian people? Isn’t that one of them ... what do you call it ... its the stupid thing like asking an Asian kid about math ... umm ... microtransgressions ... yea, there we go. Making Iron Fist an Asian is steriotyping and microtransgressioning ...

Wow, way to totally ignore why people were saying that it was a “damned if they do damned if they don’t”. Seriously, not one mention of the actual argument that these people were making.

Seriously. A white guy learning kung-fu secrets is even slightly transgressional by stereotype standards. An asian dude with mystic martial arts powers is not.

Not every character Marvel casts has to be a gay black amputee I’m so sorry.

Can we get a condensed clip of Asian people reacting to the jokes at the Oscars as well?

Agreed. This was the most lean, well edited, best constructed movie on a technical basis this year, and for that matter, in the action genre for any a number of years.

Alright, I’ll take the hate. Mad Max Fury Road is not that great of a movie. It’s smart for a blockbuster ‘splosion-fest, but it’s not actually all that smart. It HAS an ecological gimmick, but it doesn’t say anything about it. It HAS a sexist main hero and strong women, but it doesn’t really say anything about

The constant trolling of Will & Jada was pretty great.

“... To protect the students...”

Now playing

Sounds like they forgot to tell the marketing department.