
I am kind of at a loss for what crime people think the jail employees committed. Failing to prevent someone from committing suicide isn’t criminally negligent homicide under Tex. Pen. Code 19.05, which is the closest I can find.

I can understand the desperation you have to not admit that a loved one did this, but at this point, given the evidence, it really does seem likely it was suicide. Wouldn’t a better tack be to admit that and look more at the negligence angle?

I’m stuck on episode 8 and struggling to go farther. I have deep, abiding rape allegory fatigue. Why is that the only story we get for women in the Marvel universe? I’m tired of the fact that they can only seem to frame female superheroes in the context of what men did to them and how they cope afterward. It’s boring.

Am I the only one that thought the show was just meh? I was really excited for it.

Did anyone actually read the Yale professors response to the halloween costume letter?

Wow. And this was a really great article. Very informative.

For adults, which freshmen largely are, the world itself is a hostile and threatening place.

“We did not put one single American soldier on the ground in Libya.” -Hillary Clinton

A good case could be made for that. What the North Vietnamese did immediately after America left was depose Pol Pot in Cambodia.

Um, it’s free for anyone to use. You are just as welcome to download that data and find a way to use it as Pixar is. Businesses aren’t non-human robotic machines, they’re made up of people, and all people are able to access this data equally. Why should the government be entitled to compensation for data that belongs

(A) The USGS makes the information publicly available, it didn’t specifically give it just to Pixar; and (B) I’m pretty sure that the federal government is going to collect plenty of taxes from various individuals and businesses involved in making, distributing, and showing this film.

Yeah usually Reddit is their go to.

Right here haters....right here. The Champs are Here!!!

This is a sham, and mockery of journalistic integrity, and a travesty of justice. A shamockesty™ if you will. I never thought I’d see the day when Deadspin would copy and paste an entire article from ESPN(comments and all) and call it their own.

For me, DC has Microsoft problems. And by that I mean, Microsoft is this major player in its field that has zero cultural cachet and an actively vocal critics peanut gallery. It is then beset by competitors like Marvel or Indie comics that much like Apple or a decentralized Google have these extremely vocal supporters

In my opinion, DC made the same mistake you’re doing in your evaluation, James: considering changing for the sake of changing, as an inherently good or bad move. The problem is it’s not. If your model isn’t working, consider changing. If you actually change, evaluate how the change impacted and, more importantly, if

One time on a flight, the baby belonging to the couple seated beside me decided that I was an enemy that needed to be outed and destroyed. This baby, which I had never seen before, gave me a death glare and began reaching over to slap me with its fat little sausage arm. The parents were surprised and mortified. They

A kid died. He was about 13 and he died of an asthma attack on the plane. I could hear him wheezing and there were a lot of people trying to help. We landed at Midway and everyone stayed seated and they took him off with his mom.

Ok, to clear a little bit of this so it’s not a complete freak out. This WiFi Sense has been known about for a while now and has been in various tech preview builds. Plus Windows Phone. Second thing is that WiFi networks are not shared by default. I just checked this on my Surface Pro 3. The WiFi Sense service is

Actually, it is discriminatory to disallow children altogether. If a child is causing a scene, then of course they (and their parent) can be asked to leave,just as the case with any unruly patron. But, newsflash, children are not “almost humans” they fucking are people and I really think anyone who thinks otherwise