
3D 4k ftw

I actually would like everybody to wear old disgusting pajamas, have matted and/or greasy hair, wear sandals with your feet stinking, etc. The last time we showed up to the airport in comfy but neat and clean outfits, and was sitting at a gate with what looked like a panhandling class reunion, my husband and I were

Is it worth considering the possibility that a lot of the women polled had a non-facile reason for their response? Perhaps current gender dynamics cause particular tension between female bosses and female employees?

I'm the Bay Area and I kind of wish I knew some people that were cooler with younger motherhood. I'm 28 and I have a 6 year old and 2 year old. I'm a badass mom, I volunteer, my marriage is totally good... but people seem to have no problem beginning a conversation with me with "why on earth do you have children,

Obviously you should have them when you want, but the thought of being almost being 60 when they graduate HS horrifies me. Who has the energy in their 50s to deal with teenagers?

Nobody "plans" on getting hit, they just prepare for it.

Oh just SAY IT SARAH. It's THE JEWS who are ruining Christmas, right?? It's Joseph Scroogeberg and his dreidel-spinnin', Jesus-killin' comrades!

Wrigley is a dump and is need of a major renovation. Fenway is the model for what Wrigley should do. Over the last 10 years, Red Sox ownership has invested $285MM in renovations: adding premium seats, expanding and upgrading concourses and concessions, adding new bathrooms, and wiring in new screens and TVs. The

Really, Atlanta Braves? I don't get this. The place is less than twenty years old.

Unfortunately (and predictably), 70 percent of the student body voted against the referendum. Had it passed, a mere $52 of each student's tuition would have gone towards the sexual abuse services.


What Paula Deen fan is gonna buy something that gives the world a slightly darker tint?

Doesn't explain why, being a straight chick, I've had so many people try to convince me that being bi is "more normal" or that I'm just repressed for not liking chicks as well.

The only thing we ask is that you think women are people, too!

You have to admit, alternating current works better for people who despise Thomas Edison. Similarly, many Macintosh problems can be fixed by donning a black turtleneck.

A New Jerseyite? wtf, Marvel?

I read (I really wish I could remember the author, and then I'd sound legit) that men need marriage more than women because for men, a wife/girlfriend is the only person he connects with on an emotional level - he might enjoy "doing things" with other guys, but he rarely will sit and emotionally connect with another

Because men couldn't POSSIBLY want the other benefits of marriage, like companionship, emotional support, insurance, ect ect ect - you know all of those reasons we have been fighting for the legalization of gay marriage for the past decade.

Sweet Jesus,

It got me thinking, why would a disproportionate number of men value a strong family structure in their conception of an ideal, balanced life? My suspicion is this: For a lot of men, a traditional family includes a "wife," which is a kind of sexy butler that you also love.