My idea of "having it all" might involve a partner (not necessarily a wife), but certainly not for domestic purposes. The whole aversion to housework men are supposed to have - I just don't feel it.
My idea of "having it all" might involve a partner (not necessarily a wife), but certainly not for domestic purposes. The whole aversion to housework men are supposed to have - I just don't feel it.
So you asked some of your friends leading questions and they agreed with you.... what am I really supposed to take away from this? Is this Jezebel science?
The article referenced is a "review article" not a research report. It's chock full of citations and references to other studies, though those other studies might be plenty flawed and full of opinion masquerading as science, but that's nothing new in the world of science. This is an academic argument between two…
Watching Jezebel try to write about science is like watching a kitten play with a ball of yarn.
The more that I read about the Batwoman controversy, the more I am inclined to believe this had more to do with reigning Batwoman closer to the rest of Bat-family line than "EWWWW TEH GAYZ!"
Judging by the lengthy smiling coversations he has with other players (either at first the few times he plays there; or on the bases when he's hit his way there), many of his opponents seem to feel the same way.
Women don't get enough support for entry into the STEM fields— all the STEM fields— and nothing which follows changes that. That being said, any theory as to how many people of what kind get undergraduate degrees in computer science has to explain the numbers having dropped significantly since 2004:
I also work in BigLaw (one of the biggest BigLaws) and memos like this frequently come from the internal "women in law" groups as a way to advance the careers of the associates. Our firm seems to hire super bright attorneys, some of whom are less polished than others. This is a way of rubbing off the rough edges.…
No fucking blueberry?! You have taken this hatred of all things blue too far, Mr. Burneko.
Superman is forced to kill one person, which destroys him emotionally and changes who he is on a fundamental level - BOOOOO! That's not what superheroes are supposed to be!
As for gender, I feel like Batman’s quest for vengeance — which borders on mania — is more masculine than feminine. Women can certainly want and get revenge, but I think it takes a male mindset to achieve Batman’s tunnel-vision regarding his goal, to the point where he ignores and/ior hurts those closest to him on a…
I think it's very funny the way this publication treats mental disorders in general. It seems that you go to all of these lengths to prove that any mental disorder you, the writer, may be accused of is considered "normal". Re: Depression, PMDD, OCD, etc. However, this same publication writes scathing and cruel…
Papa Gino's!
There's a dance to be done between your singleness, your standards, and your happiness.
Why is the idea of dating someone who is less good looking lowering your standards? It sounds like the LW's friend has problems that are beyond her control as a friend. But really, why should her friend need a really good looking guy? The vast majority of happy relationships do not have a "10" in them, just because… mean like India, who supplies about 85% of the U.K.'s edible food? (the other 15% coming from a crepe shack in Hampstead in London)
All I'm saying is -
The unethical things that companies do is always in pursuit of greater profit. They still have a responsibility to be fair and ethical though.
food snobbery is annoying, but you must just not be looking very hard. Most of the local places nearby have a large 3-topping for 10 dollars or less to compete with the dogshit chain places
That's some excellent slow motion video; I find myself hypnotized by the Ethan Suplee doppelganger standing behind them.