
That’s already how it works. Big blue CA and NY get back about 75% of what they contribute to the federal purse, while most of red state Dixie gets 125-150% of what they pay in.

“...but let me be clear,” he continued, “when I say there is a mother and father, I mean that in the absolute singular. There is a mother and father whose child will have insurance. That will be determined by a lottery. The rest of you little shits better hope you don’t get sick.”

Their hatred for Obama outweighs their love of country, that’s what’s wrong with them. And a lack of empathy.

This is so important and good. Kimmel is not a news show or a news parody show, he has a huge audience, and he’s picking up a lot of people who choose to bury their heads in the sand and “not think about politics.” Then he breaks it down into simple clear terms and delivers it in a calm, lovely, well spoken way. I

Me, too. I’ll hold your hand.

Anyone who hasn’t seen this yet needs to take the seven minutes and watch it! It’s very heartening. Kimmel’s anger, combined with his placidity and self-assurance as he talks about how he was scammed, and how Americans are being scammed, and what this bill would really mean, is both funny and reassuring.

It would be nice if Kimmel’s opinion carried any weight with the Senator. He just sounds startled to discover that Republicants lie and that they don’t give a fuck about anyone or anyone’s sick kid.... which is old news to everyone else.

This is really the only necessary reply, and it needs to be quoted everywhere and shouted from the rooftops. A++

The Koch brothers have closed their wallets. That’s why the GOP is so desperate to pass this while they still can

... [Graham-Cassidy] is the last stage out of Dodge City. I’m from Dodge City. So it’s the last stage out to do anything. Restoring decision-making back to the states is always a good idea, but this is not the best possible bill — this is the best bill possible under the circumstances.

430,000 of his constituents in Louisiana are insured because of the Medicaid expansion in the ACA, and will lose coverage under his plan. Let him take his BS home and explain that.

I’ll stay in the Thelma and Louise car over taking this fucking bill thank you very much.

I just can’t bend my mind around pregnancy being a pre-existing condition. It has to happen for use to continue as a species. Men clearly benefit from it too, because 1) they are born and 2) they may also want children.

At this point, mustache twirling cartoon-villain Republicans are perfectly fine with murdering people (And I say this with no hyperbole, because if this bill passes people will die.) so long as they can undo the big nasty black man’s signature legislation and make libtards cry.

Excellent. Kimmel should call him out every evening. Use that soapbox.

Now playing

Last night Jimmy Kimmel lacerated Sen. Bill Cassidy for this (this is a must see):

That phrase lights a fire under my ass every day. I should get it tattooed on me to remind me to be a give-no-fucks badass every chance that I get.

“Wimmins is fer fuckin, not talkin’!” Hee-haws and high fives around the table as the grotesque slime-toads all honk and snort at Dump’s rapier wit.

“Just wanted to come say hi at this particular time in the afternoon/evening to be your handler in case you start showing signs of sundowning during this meeting, daddy.”

As long as it’s “Just wanted to come say hi, Daddy”, then yes - women are allowed to talk in meetings at the White House.