
Good guy with a gun wouldn’t be much help here, since the shooter was firing from a hotel room on the 15th floor (or whatever) in the dark, at people at a concert below. But this incident definitely means we need moar gunz in the hands of .... well, everybody. Right? Watch the NRA have absolutely nothing to say about

I just want an item that is entitled as follows:

Also totally doing this shit: Pruitt and Zinke. Fuckwads.

Good god, this takes the cake. Adam Schiff saying last night that Jared most def has broken the law due to not disclosing private email to Congress.

Joan Baez was shown in the documentary. I guess she gets less notice because of being less of a celebrity.

Speaking of Hanoi Jane, the Marine guy who spoke of her last night really explained something for me that I had never understood...why Jane Fonda is so uniquely vilified for her (relatively minor) criticism of the Vietnam War — yes, I know she was involved in some broadcast from Hanoi, but as the doc pointed out, so

I know, but the latest plan is to really magnify that. I’m trying to open a map like picture from Washington Post today which shows the insane shift of federal “grants” to states that voted for Dump. It apparently isn’t going to work. In any event, since states that expanded Medicaid are the big losers, there are

Apparently the plan is to take Medicaid coverage from the blue states and give it to the red states. Not sure how this pans out in the courts.

Had the same thought. Earring that long and huge kind of undoes her usual giraffe look. Not sure about the other earring.

Ivanka and her slender, mouselike husband, Jared

My uncle worked with her at IBM in New York in the 60's. He figured it out around the time of the lawsuit in which she was named plaintiff, which gave federal benefit (tax) rights to gay couples and paved the way for Obergefell. He’s a good liberal, bless him, so he was rooting for her case all along. He said he never

Sympathy here. I got a new computer and can’t get access to this account because no password and defunct email address. So back to the grays for me, but I still have this old computer so I can check out my nongray self here still.

With any luck, Irma will blow away a bunch of Palm Beach estates (but not the off-season staff, okay?) and these shitbags will have some climate change down their stupid throats for a change.

Only possible silver lining here is he’s passing this shitshow of a dilemma to Repubs in Congress who will be forced to act and screw themselves with their racist base. Unless they don’t act and screw themselves with the fastest growing minority who (unfortunately) did vote for Cheetolini more than you’d think but who

The map should be amended every time an individual state is proven to have been hacked by Russkies, or whoever. He didn’t really win Pennsylvania. Also probably not Wisconsin. the map is shrinking, Donnie.

What gives me joy is the thought of both of them indicted on money laundering charges — Jared maybe gets an extra special treason charge. Mueller is now coordinating with Schneiderman to assure that no presidential pardons can stop this train.

Who else feels like we’ve been forced to look into the dynamics of a ridiculously dysfunctional family that just happens to be really rich? Like, if I needed any proof that the rich are NOT DIFFERENT, here it is. Maybe slightly different in that the things they do are more consequential, since no one would have to

+1 for this comment

I want to go to the Nosh with you...I’ll be in SoCal in October.

Kill, torture, lock in dungeon forever. And Mooch, we hardly knew ye.