
I want to punch all of the reporters pointing out that he doesn’t “fit the usual profile” not only because of his age but because he is white. Some of them have practically said straight out that it can’t be terrorism because he is white. But of course, most acts of terrorism in this country have been committed by

Just need to point out that, once again, white dude killing dozens of innocent people, but the “Muslim Ban” is what’s going to keep us all safe.

Personally, I love Joan and her music. Still think it’s because men wanted to think of Jame as someone to worship. Someone that may have sex with them.

Word salad. Every. Single. Thing. that comes out from that man’s mouth is word salad.

How about the new acting Sec of HHS - he’s not the Asst. Sec. or a Deputy Sec. This guy is several pegs down the chain of command (either because all the other poaitions are still unfilled, or none of them would take the top spot). Something’s strange about this.

AMY GOODMAN: So, that’s President Trump. Instead of “Heck of a job, Brownie,” it’s “Heck of a job, myself.”

How long until Trump’s entire cabinet quits/is fired and Trump isthe only one left in the White House, where he wanders aimlessly through the echoing hallways wearing nothing but a fast food stained bathrobe, yelling at the TV?

Yep. Absent a bipartisan bill to prop up ACA, clearly Trump will continue to strangle the program by all of the means (legal and shady) available to him. Not even the most purist progressives  should want that.

Yeah. I mean, the country still has to function. If the Dems can work any kind of deals to mitigate the horror the GOP is trying to inflict on us, go for it. If you leave the rightists to their own devices, everything is gonna get burned down.

“These are words Donald Trump just said about Puerto Rico: “The loss of life, it’s always tragic. But it’s been incredible. The results that we’ve had with respect to loss of life. People can’t believe how successful that has been, relatively speaking.” What the fuck does that mean?”

“I brag tremendously. I’m the best bragger there is! Nobody knew how well I could brag!”

He does this in a pathetic attempt to hide his ignorance of issues. It’s what makes him such a bad liar.

He’s been crazily bragging about his “reviews” lately. Reviews?? What the actual fuck? Wait, no, we all know why, but still...

I know we discuss this regularly in the Barf Bag, but honestly, Trump’s pathological need to tell everyone how great everyone thinks he is, is just breathtaking.

I love when he reads something on the prompter that he never knew before and then annotated his own speech in real time. 

You really buried the lede on the latest Kushner email developments. How CNN got the story is fucking hilarious.

I really love when Dotard Donald reads from the teleprompter. The words go directly from his eyes to his mouth, with only the punctuation to signal rising tones or emphasis. Occasionally, a phrase will spark some dim recognition, and he’ll break away from the teleprompter to trot out one of his four adjectives

It’s almost like the swamp isn’t being drained or something.