
This calls for a few rounds of FMK with various members of the Dump admin. Start with the ones who are out: Preibus, Spicer, Flynn. Go.

Reince, get a book deal NOW. Write as fast as you and some ghostwriter can. I’ll get the popcorn ready.

Ain’t that the truth. Those soft little hands....

I see how you did that without fat shaming...NICE.

Sorry to hear that; mom’s been gone since 1993 so I’m not currently grief-stricken or anything. But I know more than I really wanted to about glioblastoma.

And my mom.

Done — thanks for links!

My mom lasted 51 weeks.

Yeah, McConnell told some people in KY that Medicaid was not going away.


Yeah, the Bush administration gets the lion’s share of the blame for this horribleness, but believe it or not, global warming/climate mayhem is also a huge factor...Syria has been in a vicious drought for years now, causing many people in agricultural areas to be displaced, which was part of what led to the uprising

YES! I want to watch the R’s eat each other alive, because I always assumed that would be the only redeeming thing about this shitshow. If we live long enough to see it.

I dunno if blaming the Dems would work this time. The Rs would deny that anybody was getting hurt, but plenty of the MAGA idiots would know about their own family member/neighbor/coworker’s kid and the effects would be too obvious to really hide. This could be the come to Jesus moment for some people, at least. Not

There is part of me that wants those assholes to do it, show themselves for what they are, let their constituents lose their healthcare and rural hospitals and just let the chips fall where they may. Of course, at my age, I’ll be one of those without insurance, of, if I can get it, it’ll be $2000/month. But I don’t

More stars needed on this thread. Hope Mel Brooks makes it to 102 and beyond.

Good one. Unrelated: I had it in my head that she was married to Groucho. I stand corrected!

Thank you for this comment.

THIS. Preibus’s tell-all will sell some fucking books.

Name ‘em. Scooter got probation, and was pardoned.