
Wow, that article is right on the money. I would think it’s pretty easy to manipulate Dump, if you can stand being in his presence at all.

The thing I’m concerned about, is that the document signed by Rosenstein, which appoints Mueller as special counsel, only charges him with making a report back to DOJ. I don’t know that he was given the authority to actually prosecute anybody. With Rudy Guliani taking over from Sessions (hypothetically), will

Just like the Trump Azerbaijan deal. So many former SSRs, so much ill-gotten $$$$ floating around! Makes certain NY real estate people’s eyes go cha-ching like an old timey cash register.

Aha, technically correct about no “Russian funds”, since Lev Leviev is Uzbek, not Russian. This obsfuscation, along with general American ignorance of geography, is the kind of thing the Dump family is counting on. And yet! Mueller et al. are no doubt familiar with maps, as well as the ongoing story on the constituent

And here I thought the USA was lame-o..... in fairness, young army guys getting killed in drunken mishaps probably happens everywhere they have armies.

I can’t decide on the number of months, since he will be in a job that is not out there in front of the cameras. What does communications director actually do, especially in the Dumpster WH? Cheetolini will continue to tweet and fart out mixed signals and whoppers constantly anyway.

I am on this page myself. Always looking over my shoulder for the horror that could creep in at any moment, but willing to watch cable news again. And you’re right, for about 2 months now. Mr. Again usually arrives after I have settled in and he knows there’s more amusing shit hitting it whenever I have MSNBC instead

That is all.

Young RF! Raaauuuugghhhhhllll.

Agreed on the light sentences, but we don’t really know much from this article. One thing practicing law for 30+ years has taught me, is every case is different and it’s easy to make a situation appear to be one thing when it’s really another. I suspect the adult kids were influential here.

I don’t think the civil rights stuff requires across state lines facts, just like bank robbing doesn’t either (banks are federally insured). But kidnapping when it all happens in one state, like murder or most kinds of robberies, is going to be state law.

For it to be federal, I think they would have to have been taken across state lines.

Good one!

My first thought is, if I were seated next to the Dumpster, I would also not be able to speak English all of a sudden.

Slightly OT, but is it easy to breastfeed with implants? I would think they’d make it difficult. Not that I know anything about breast feeding.

Same here.

God, this thread is the best ever. The pee thing is the one part I immediately thought, give me a break. But young Russian blondes is totes believable. And likely, given the scuzz level of the Dumpster.

Yeah, and Prevezon is one I haven’t even looked at closely. But it’s YUGE.

Oh, please let it be so. You have typed out my exact wishes and most fervent thoughts. May as many R’s as possible go down with them. So say we all!