
Sorry, nothing of substance to add here, just haven’t typed this in a long time:

All her plastic surgery is an attempt to stave off genetics.

I think Bush was responsible for thousands, if not millions, of deaths in the Middle East. But, yeah, his daughters seem okay. I kind of liked Laura as a librarian, thought I can’t excuse her for being complicit with her husband’s government. Trump and all his kids and wives are loathsome.

We still have nukes and know how to use them.

she talks in that slow curated manner, constantly forming her mouth in ways to avoid the complete asshole look

Somewhere recently it was reported that Trump truly does not understand that not everyone thinks Ivanka is as amazing as he does. The 3 older Trump children, it is obvious, have NO level of self-awareness. In their own rights, they are wildly unremarkable. I thought Bush was a terrible president, but to his credit,

“That doesn’t mean everyone in the White House has homogeneous views—we don’t, and I think that’s good and healthy—but that doesn’t mean we’re publicly undermining [each other] and the administration.”

Oh I’ve watched one more times than I’d care to admit. The lyrics in that one are hilarious: “Literal potbelly vampire goblins are coming to get us”

I wish one of the Trump kids was the Ron Reagan type (for clarity’s sake, I’m referring to Ronald Reagan’s very liberal son).

WOW. That really is great. Thanks for sharing!

I disagree slightly. The multiple scandals fuel his victim persona in addition to confusion. The more he gets targeted, the louder he whines. It’s irrelevant that he’s actually guilty.

Oh that gif is GLORIOUS!!!

I’m trying to muster up some sympathy for Ivanka as a human, but it’s hard. I met Chelsea Clinton a few times and it always struck me that she was doing the best she could with unwanted celebrity. She is a very smart and dignified person. Apparently, she and Ivanka were friends, though I imagine that’s not going

In my fantasy land, I like to pretend that Ivanka has some brains and is just scared shitless to go up against her creepy psycho dad and so she says robot phrases in an attempt to placate him. Again, it’s my fantasy land. I sure as shit wouldn’t want to be Melania, but she dug her own grave.

Unless Mueller gets him good, I really think he might get away with it. The never-ending deluge of scandal seems to help him, because there’s so much shit being revealed constantly that I really think it’s a wash with most people because they just can’t keep up. He got elected being this nuts, he might continue to

Can’t she just go back to selling cheap shoes and Jared go back to doing whatever it was that he did before?

Joanna, is there a running total of how many fucking vacations these two have taken since January 20th? It seems like at least 3-4 times. Colorado was one that I’m sure of.

In other words, she wants credit for supposedly trying to make her father act less racist; she just doesn’t want to actually try to make her father act less racist. That would be disloyal!

When I worked on Capitol Hill, I had this asshole coworker who didn’t do jack shit, and my boss couldn’t fire him. THIS was exactly the defense he used to explain why he was so unproductive and would disappear during the day.