
Mar-a-Lago would be a great place to start.

And neutered males are closer to perpetual kittens than neutered females are. Makes sense to me.

Aww, tortietude <3 I keep trying to convince my mountain of a manx/coon boy that he’s top cat since the matriarch died, but he always capitulates to the tortie newcomer 1/3 his size.

My tiny tortie girl was boss of the house, and any of the boys who tried to run up the stairs ahead of her got slashed across the snout and only did it once.

The little soap operas in a multi-cat household can be fascinating. Also like soap operas, they wrap up in about an hour so everybody can take a nap.

Made a separate post, but I’ve seen the same thing with domesticated cats. Not sure about lynx specifically, but most of the time, female cats hold down a territory while male cats roam between them visiting several girlfriends. Household cat introductions between females often go something like this while they shake

This actually makes me feel somewhat better as NONE of my posts have been getting likes or ungreyed. I thought I was losing my touch. (Now I just realize I’m getting screwed.)

Oh, you’re good.

The one lynx didn’t accept the other lynx’s invitation on Lynxed-in. Lynx are big networkers.

Well, that’s shitastic. I mean, how is anyone supposed to get out of the greys now? I finally got lucky after five or so years of lurking around and collecting a few thousand stars. I’m still greyed on all the other pages, and I read quite a bit of Lifehacker, Gizmodo, and now AV Club. (Though, AV Club doesn’t seem to

Some of the projections have Irma rolling ashore just about on top of Mar a Lago. The Army Corps of Engineers must be on standby to protect those shitty chandeliers and chocolate cake.

Everybody knows that extreme weather events are caused by us gays

Scott Pruitt lives in Oklahoma and knows that he will be dead before rising sea levels or poison air are his problem. Pray for a big fracking earthquake, that’s our only hope.

Amending so often would be too costly!

With any luck, Irma will blow away a bunch of Palm Beach estates (but not the off-season staff, okay?)

Remember folks, building close to water is a sound investment if you don’t believe in science.

Nope. They’ll just continue to rationalize it all by saying “This is punishment for LGBT acceptance”.

I read or heard somewhere this weekend, and I wish I could remember where it was, that during times like these, everyone should be keeping a journal and just writing down the way things are- so that as our country slips into totalitarianism, and democracy is lost, we can remember what life was like. That is to say

“Make the red States gold. And make the blue ones gold too.”