
I feel you on this, but I want kind of the opposite. I want EVERY FUCKING POLITICIAN, CEO AND VOTER who went to bed with this piece of shit to be branded with a “45" on their foreheads so they can live out the rest of their days in shame of the roles they played in this “reality shitshow.”

If Donnie 2 scoops actually meets any people who lost everything from hurricane Harvey, I want just one person to refuse to shake his hand.


Taft wasn’t stupid! Fat, yes. He’s the only person in history to have been both a President and a Supreme Court justice.

I wish I knew who you were talking about...

That is fricking brilliant. I didn’t know that. Thanks, jinni.

YES. EXACTLY THIS. Only this time, while he is still alive. I want him to know he’s so unimportant that nobody gives a shit that they’ve forgotten about him.

I had imagined that the first step to absolute humiliation would be for him to lose all of his money and his clout, but I like your wish even more. “Trump’s grope” is brilliant and if we can somehow keep that term while simultaneously erasing him from our collective memory during his lifetime it would be absolutely’re talking about Taft, right? The old, stupid, fat one that died in the tub.


This is something often said about Pedro Almodóvar. That his response to the aftermath of the Franco dictatorship was to never revisit any of it in his films. Never mention it. Never allude to it. Never allow it to repress him or his work, ever again. Not give even dead Franco this satisfaction.

I like this comment almost as much as your username.

When shit hits the fan and he finally falls, I hope it’s just so deeply humiliating, so totally devastating to his ego and his psyche, that he never recovers. I don’t want us to hate him, I want us to forget him. I want us to erase him. That would be the best and most fitting punishment for inflicting himself on the

I am a single person that doesn’t eat a ton. I spent a shit ton on groceries yesterday because I knew I had a four day weekend and having to deal with his shit I was going to have to eat and drink my feelings more than usual. I had lunch today with smart, informed friends, to a person they all said they’ve stopped

Trump is playing to his base, which eats that stuff right up. He doesn’t have a single fuck to give for anyone else’s opinion.

Have heart — I see signs that the pendulum may be swinging back the other way. After Harvey, there has been a LOT of public backlash against evangelical churches (aka Trump supporters whose views on sin and suitability for public office have ~*~magically~*~ changed over the past two years, whoda thunk it).

From earlier today:

Based on your reaction I’m too scared and disgusted to watch. I’m trying not to fuck up my weekend and I know I’ll be angered.

Did anybody actually watch the video of that insane clusterfuck in the Oval Office? The one where some chanting preacher was dramatically invoking Jesus’ name and thanking God for Trump and Pence and for giving the President the wisdom to call for a national day of prayer, and a woman appeared to be weeping,