
Kill, kill, kill.

Kill kill kill kill

Ha, I call that a stabbing.

I’d rather suck my own cock.

This elicited a hard shudder from me. Those are the worst of all penises. Ugh.

The Mooch has a face like catcher’s mitt left out in the rain. HARD PASS!

I’m not the only one who thinks Davos is kinda hot right?

Ha! I just couldn’t help but think, Ice and Fire already met and had a baby named Pouty McPouterson.

The most laughable part of this whole episode was the post-episode commentary telling us how riveting the meeting of Ice and Fire was when in reality it was the wet blanket one expected it to be when Pouty McPoutersen and Starey McStarey finally met.

Bran wakes from a trance: “...I have Bird Flu.”

Man pour one out for Olenna Tyrell. Her character will so be missed, but she went out like a G.

Yes, sister!

You can just see the racist/misogynistic frustration bubbling under the surface. How dare this woman, this Black woman, fail to yield to him when he has things to say. She is such a fantastic example. Play this for little girls (and boys) everywhere.

Now playing

Would love to see Waters go up against Conway.

It’s amazing they got as far as they have given how terrible and obvious their social skills are. It’s like a bunch of lizard people got together and tried to replicate human behavior and oh wait.

Maxine, we’re not worthy. Mnuchin - suck a bag of them. AFTER you answer the Goddamned question!

Boy. He’s sure butthurt about getting shut down for not answering the goddamn question. Here’s a tip, dumbass: when someone asks for an explanation and you start talking about anything else? We all fucking know you are full of shit. So please, stop wasting our time just cause you think you’ll win the dick measuring

IMO ANY former POTUS in recent memory would have no problem mercilessly beating the snot out of that fat wad of goo.