
“That man is a blight on our countreh. He’s a terrible human bein’. I wouldn’t cross the road to stomp him out... Oh, but of course I’ll vote for what he wants in Congress. I am a gentleman, after all.” - Shorter version of everything Lindsey Graham has said and done since 2015.

Aunt Pittypat did mention holy hell if the Orange Menace fired the KKKeebler Elf, though! That’s something

I’m super happy McCain voted as he did but would like to point that when it comes to mavericking, Lisa Murkowski wins hands down. She was primaried in the 2010 Senate elections in Alaska and won as a write-in. She’s so good at her at her job and so damn likeable that more than 100,000 people took the time to attempt

On twitter there is speculation that McCain voted no so Lindsey et al didn’t have to. McCain is on his way out, so he protected the others who were against this. Not sure if that is true or not.

Murkowski gets an extra gold star because she won by running outside the Trump dominated Republican party (via write-ins) in ruby red Alaska. So she’s got the extra anti- Trump/McConnell juice of “I owe you nothing”

I did, too. I cannot figure him out on healthcare. It sounds like Graham’s “Trump Better NOT Fire Mueller” gland seems to be functioning, but who knows if it can keep functioning without a backbone?

Agree for sure about Collins and Murkowski. Ever since Trump got elected, women in government have been the grownups in the room.

I’m am feeling magnanimous as well. Plus I’ve been been watching McCain give his thumbs down in front of a sulking McConnell all morning. It’s glorious.

McCain is a lot of things, but stupid about how to get media attention ain’t one of them. Still, it was worth it to see McConnell standing five feet away from him, trying not to burst into flames.

I think you’re absolutely right - and it allowed McCain a perfect opportunity, after a an unbelievable insult from Trump to make a dramatic and public Fuck You statement. It also allowed the Senators to continue to play to type: can you imagine Lindsay Graham in the place of McCain on this vote, with the thumbs-down

Murkowski also had no Republican help in her election (they wanted someone else) so her revenge on everyone is total and complete

Tai is what happens when you get Wall Street pros and corporate douchecanoes and tell them they are politicians. Savage him, Lisa! Savage him!

Your explanation of the voting algebra here is invaluable and really needs to be understood more broadly.

True because Murkowski is a fucking bad ass who won’t take things sitting down.

But wait wait wait wait, it DID backfire! Zinke threatened Alaska without remembering that Murkowski controls the DeptInterior’s purse strings.

I love this so hard.

Killer update on Murkowski being threatened by Zinke, though: he forgot she was his boss, didn’t think things through, and she’s now blocking his appointment hearings and appropriations. Oopsie! Checkmate.

This photo makes me gag every time I see it 😫

Texas Rep. Blake Farenthold blamed women Republican senators for stalling the bill. He even challenged them to a duel, saying, “If it was a guy from South Texas, I might ask him to step outside and settle this Aaron Burr-style.”

It annoys me to no end that everyone is singing McCain’s praises because of this single vote. Don’t worry folks, no doubt that this asshole will be back to fuck things up again.