
I’d agree, but the Queen of Thorns has pretty consistently been portrayed as seeing things clearly.

He gets a special version with Mother’s face photoshopped onto the bodies of all the women in the catalogue, along with the addition of conservative clothing. It’s the only way he can look at the catalogue and not worry about inappropriate lust creeping into his heart.

I thought I was the only one! I looove building furniture

I wonder which “no woman” version is being sent to the Naval Observatory*?

No joke, whenever I feel reeeeeeeally depressed about being single and childless at 38, I go to Ikea on a Saturday and, voila, I instantly feel super happy to not have to wrangle overhyped kids and yell at my husband while choosing a new sofa!

Jon, Bran has arrived at the wall. He promises to make you regular again.

I love how the instructions have no words and still get the point across with strategic smiley and frowning faces. I’m a cam lock master.

Can Dolorous Edd read or write? Are there any highborn members of the Night’s Watch left in Castle Black? Do they have a Maester who knows which raven to send to Winterfell? No? Ok then.

I love ikea. It’s fun to walk around in, the furniture is fine, the food is decent, and building that shit is like solving puzzles. My mom invited me over last week just to put together two wardrobes for her. It was great.

Aside from the prices, Ikea has this reputation as an Experience. You don’t just go to get furniture at Ikea, you quest through a Labyrinth-like maze to find your one specific bookshelf, fight the goblin king for the right to take it home, and then put it together under a haze of gin and Swedish meatballs.

I have been accused of missing a few screws, myself.

I always have pieces left over. Am I doing something wrong? Do they hide all the missing US screws in European packages?

It would also be cool if after Tyrion vouches for Jon.... Dany and Drogon hit our boy Snow with a little dragon fire anyway for being insolent .....and get this.....

I think in a comment section about “Game of Thrones” it’s ok to write “shit”.

I’m increasingly convinced that she’s going to have a heel turn next season. I can totally see GRRM setting her up to be THE hero, only to have her start showing more and more Mad King behavior. The only reason she wants to be Queen is because she feels as though it’s her birthright (not that different from Stannis or

I’m personally thinking that the ‘bittersweet’ ending Martin was talking about is one where no one is sitting on the iron throne, because pretty much everyone is a terrible person, and everyone who cares will starve and die anyway after the walkers sweep through and winter settles in... leaving us with just a few key

It generally has decent quality for the price- you can get something really shitty for $5 that functions, or you can pay more and get something decent. The same is not true for the vast majority of places- Target/Walmart/Etc is all shit, Higher-end stores tend to be a lot more money.

I just love that the ‘no woman’ aspect is repeated for multiple communities. It’s a nice reminder that, worldwide, overt misogyny is alive and well!

If IKEA replaced all of the models in its catalog with cats, I think I’d maybe actually pick the thing up and peruse it.