
Sansa is awesome this season . She’s got major Cersci vibes going on and it’s obvious she’s a more competent ruler than John.

In the books Euron has this magic eye thing going on (not like those posters in the 90s, but maybe like those posters in the 90s? No one knows for certain what his eye does, so perhaps it does let him see things that are going on in other parts of the world, hence his being able to know where Yara was).

Oh, and last thing - it really bothers me that Dany doesn’t have a Dothraki on her council. She’s planning to deploy them to fight for her, so why doesn’t she have at least one representative of their army in her war room? It makes them into tools instead of people, and after spending years with the Khalasar in one

“ the Sand Snakes have consistently been some of the most interesting and compelling characters on the show,”

Yep. They are going to end up in the dungeon with the nun.....and The Mountain...zombie.

AND WHY HASN’T ED SENT A RAVEN ABOUT BRAN. This kinda thing just bugs me so much. Why have Bran show up in Episode 1 if Jon and Sansa don’t get to hear about him until Episode 3 or 4? He’s got so much information about Uncle Hotface-Coldhands (neé Benjen), Cousin Jon Targaryn and the Night King (who seems to do an

It has been game of cat and mouse all along, Varys vs Littlefinger.

Aside from Greyworm and Missandei FINALLY consummating their love—a sure sign that Greyworm is fucking toast this season

A couple things:

His grift will not even have to wait. His hedge fund sale (at an obviously inflated price) to Chinese concerns needs approval that will be much easier to get now that he has Trumps tiny orange cock in his mouth.

then use title and perceived proximity to profit from future grift.

It will be his job to carefully craft the President’s messaging and communication strategy to advance the Administration’s agenda.

Suck up, get some dirt that makes him indispensable (if not obtained already), and then use title and perceived proximity to profit from future grift. As much as it galls me, there are people out there who still, and will continue to long after this is over, see Trump and his associates as a positive force.

UK Update:

I’m not going to defend Spicer’s choices, but he was visibly uncomfortable since day 1 and it wouldn’t shock me to learn that he signed on thinking that the administration would fall into line with general behavioral norms once in office, which was a stunning but common delusion. He was one of the few people there who

New ethics chief David Apol? When Bernie Madoff is so readily available (pardon implicit)?

“They can’t call our President a toddler.”

Definitely. Toddlers who go to the toilet together to snort lines.

“When you are bought by your parents to a kindergarten do you mix with the people who are waiting in the same room to start going to a classroom?”

If Donnie and Putin went to the bathroom together, I guarantee Trump snuck a peekover the divider and let out an impressed whistle.