
He’s gonna chew that boy up like a cheap gumball. It’ll be so christmaslike I might even bake cookies to watch it.

Mueller could literally kill Dump with a pen. A regular shitty 99 cent Bic.

Dump:*blustering threat*

You know that bitchy little elfkin won’t take it lying down. He will be spilling his guts to the CIA and shopping his memoir before he’s out of the Oval Office exit meeting.

God, I love Donny. Only someone as mind-blowingly over-confident and under-informed as he is could think scare tactics are a good idea against a man like Mueller. Because, yea, this absolutely looks like a man who is easily intimidated:

Omg, I finally understand Trump voters. My first thought upon hearing Bannon hates him was, “oh, maybe he’s not so bad, then.” THIS is what they’ve been doing. Loving things only because I, a libtard, hate them.

Once you join forces with Trump, there is no hope. It’s like joining the dark side of the force.

That’s my guess. Trump has resented him for a long time, and unlike Sessions, I don’t think there are any cooler heads protesting his firing. As for little Donnie, Daddy will keep him on publicly and torture him in private.

Naw. Sessions has too much shit he wants to get done (namely, ramping up the war on drugs and rolling back civil rights). He’s not going to quit. But Trump could fire him.

Well, they thought about activating it with relationship to Reagan, but he seemed to get a grip, so his advisors backed down. It was after the assassination attempt but before the re-election, I think.

But he doesn’t. Even his latest counsel is working on credit.

how long will it take ol’ Sean to grow his soul back?

I’m guessing Bannon will be laying some House of Cards level traps for The Mooch.

He hates him the most and he bears his name.

He likes children who aren’t subpoenaed.

Preibus most likely as he also hates Scaramucci and was totally blindsided.

Who’s the next on the chopping block? Sessions, right?

How is babby formed?

Are we really surprised? Who DIDN’T know this would happen? That man and his co conspirators will never, ever serve a day. And there will be no impeachment proceedings unless the GOP stops circlejerking.