
Also abortion is, as much as forced birthers don’t want to believe it, medically necessary at times. So yeah, definitely don’t teach physicians how to perform life saving procedures. But actually, also oncologists shouldn’t be taught about prostate cancer because why would your prostate act up if it isn’t filled with

Not in Donald Jr.’s defense but working for the family business is the pits. You never have your own accomplishments. If you are performing well in the industry be it making pies, baking bricks or opening hotels all over the place it is seen as well you should be because it’s your family and business and

So when are vasectomies not going to be taught in med school in Wisconsin? Because their only purpose is to stop children from being born. Did Andre Jacque think of that?

The logical next step; all women must be encased entirely in amber.

No caffeine for pregnant women. No shellfish or alcohol past a certain month. And while we won’t give you family leave or guarantee your job, you won’t be allowed to work past a certain month.

And the fact that he’s forced to wear a suit every day. No child should be forced to wear a suit in 2017.

Seriously. I can’t imagine what he has to go through day to day with parents like the Trumps, and Uday and Qusay for brothers.

Let’s go back to calling him “Diaper Don” again. Or Diaper Don Jr and Sr, since Trump always look s like he’s got a shitty Diaper on.

I think the best way for all the Trump men to leave the family is to eat as much fatty food as possible, get as little exercise as possible, internalize all the stress they can, and wait for the sweet release of a massive coronary.

“Trumpism is an easygoing belief system that indulges and excuses the stiffing of contractors, the conning of students, the bilking of investors, the exploitation of women and the practices of nepotism and self-dealing. A faith that makes losing a sin will make cheating a sacrament.”

People in dysfunctional families usually get out early or not at all.

Barron’s thousand yard hostage stare is haunting. He’s a revenant who hasn’t even had to die.

These clumps of spawn are truly horrid, wretched human beings, but they learned from the best. They’ve earned, in their own minds, every penny of that fake “inheritance” a thousand times over.

Junior being an alcoholic doesn’t surprise me a bit. It runs in his family (Dump’s brother drank himself to death) and Dump’s contempt for alcoholism probably paved the way for him to try to forget his wretched existence and “rebel” at the same time.

Dump is a big lump of radioactive waste. His offspring have been thoroughly poisoned and mutated by him, and the only thing worse than their continued existence is their continued existence in his danger zone.

What the shit is this shit? Is he pretending to be a Breck Girl?

God, seriously. Nothing feels as good as living on your own terms away from a psycho. Not money, power, or fame.

It seems like a lot of rich white men, Don Sr. is surrounded by people waiting for him to die.

It doesn’t make you a bad person at all.

He’d kill all the animals, then pause to reflect.