
Oh, okay, so it so just ~happened~ that ALL the prophets and COOL PEOPLE were men.

This is my biggest problem with veils/burqas/hijab, etc. If it truly is a woman’s choice to dress head to toe in black in 100 degree weather, whatever. But the number of families I see where the dad is in a tank top, shorts and flip flips, the kids are dressed similarly, and mom is buried under 10 yards of heavy black

Uh, Jesus obviously wasn’t afraid to show some skin, even with his baby dick:

“Islam is a rich, peaceful culture that respects women in its own way. It’s entirely possible to respect both Islamic laws and feminism at the same time.” As a closet ex-Muslim, I disagree with you. Islam does not respect women “in its own way” nor is it a peaceful religion. I hope you realize that Islam calls for the

I’m kinda digging their new tourism posters, tho.

Trying to figure out how to not chide, yet still undo the nails-on-chalkboard usage error. Maybe I just should have said something like “That tenant of Islam has it rough, but least he doesn’t have to pay interest if his monthly rent check is late.”

Insane Theocratic Tatooine= best new band name.

I know! And if bodies are so inconvenient and you have to cover it up to be “modest,” why just women? Why won’t all men wear headdresses too? And those scandalous male ankles, why aren’t they covered up?

I was on the subway when this young Muslim couple boarded and I couldn’t help but be pissed off by the incongruity of their outfits. The man was dressed for the warm day: Shorts and a t-shirt. The t-shirt was one of those clever French Connection shirts that says FCUK. The woman was wearing a hijab and a

I don’t seek to be that guy, but can we all get the ‘tenet’ and ‘tenant’ thing straight before this goes much farther?

<whispering gently> it’s “tenet.”

Right? There isn’t enough money in the world that would make me wanna go there.

Yea, it’s amazing how many Christian men ignore the whole “if your eyes cause you to sin, pluck them out. If your hand causes you to sin, cut it off.” directive in the Bible. It’s much easier to just blame women.

Yeah especially when there’s a non theocratic tatooine near by.

But you see, my dick might wiggle a bit if I see your knees, therefore God hates you and you should wear a longer skirt. AND COVER UP THOSE ANKLES, MISSY!

Right. Isn’t it amazing how so many gods are racist, sexist, homophobic, unreasonable, and vengeful? Almost like they are created in the image of the people that worship them.

It’s really odd to me that these things happen and some people think feminists shouldn’t be allowed to discuss how this is sexist. You can’t excuse sexism, racism, and homophobia under the guise of “culture” or “religion.”

Nothing annoys me more than the double standards religions (not just Islam, by any stretch) have about ‘modesty’. If your god demands that women cover certain body parts, and doesn’t require that men cover THOSE EXACT SAME PARTS, it is sexist bullshit.

planning to expand the country’s economy... into tourism

Mohammad didn’t have breasts, legs, arms, so why should women? Heads and beards okay.