
I think the writer did a fantastically objective job, all things considered, but it’s hard to avoid the loathing that drips from the piece. What it made me realize is there are grown adults who have not developed beyond the toddler mindset. There is no logic to their tantrum, they are just angry and lashing out. The

You may be right. What I was trying to zero in on (although I wasn’t explicit enough) was that a large portion of the male populace who refused to support Hillary would definitely support Ivanka because “she’s hot.”

I think she thinks that modulating her voice in this manner makes her sound cultured/classy.

Not sure why this post in particular has drawn their ire, but remember: Hit that dismiss button if they respond to you!

But she doesn’t look Jewish. So, I don’t think that would hinder her too much. She’s thin and blond and that goes a looooooong way.

Did you wander in here by accident? Is there someone we can call?

I don’t think her father’s antisemitic fans think of her a s a Jew. They are capable of all kinds of mental contortion anyway.

Sounds fitting for our chainstore Cersei.

I’ll allow it.

I just came here to post Dumbo’s latest tweet “The Senate must go to a 51 vote majority instead of current 60 votes. Even parts of full Repeal need 60. 8 Dems control Senate. Crazy!”

In a just world, Ivanka gets a front row seat to watch her father and her husband get beheaded like Ned Stark.

Given the “sexy secret” nature of her diction, she could plausibly have the white male vote in this country.

Googling “sexy secret” gets you lot’s of lingerie results. Maya is onto something.

In a just world, Ivanka Trump is not gently mocked but is instead repeatedly pelted with rocks and garbage wherever she goes


That article is sickening and infuriating. I actually had to take rage breaks. But the writer must have thought he struck dumbass gold interviewing the woman from the intro!

Yes, a lot of folks don’t seem to realize that his whole “busy busy CEO who sleeps four hours a night and never has time to read” myth is just made-up nonsense. He’s no “workaholic”, in fact he appears to deliberately go out of his way to avoid doing any real work at all. Remember a few months back when the GOP was

“Made in America” week? Does that mean Trump will make all of his crappy products in the US?

“Mommy, look I’m in the big-boy truck!”