
Because of all the incest they are almost as closely related as siblings. Dany was Rhaegar’s sister, first cousin, second cousin and third cousin.

Ha. I didn’t see the season opener (I’m binging GoT and only on season 4, but I don’t mind “spoilers.”) but I was about to make a joke about that second photo and “when did Ed Sheeran join the cast, hyuk” when I find out that really IS Ed Sheeran.

And it looks like Nymeria is coming back, so maybe Arya will be a bad ass assassin with a dire wolf, in case she wasn’t already intimidating enough.

Can’t wait for Jon and Dany to have sex. This show is making us root for aunts and nephews to bump fuglies.

Jon Snow is Dany’s nephew! I know we’re in the land of royal sibling-fuckers here, but still. ICK!

I would follow Lady Mormont through the gates of Hell.

I actually made one from *that* moment tonight. The dragons one is good too.

I need the meme if she had dragons this show would have ended seasons ago.

Watching her drag Lord Glover was so satisfying. “I don’t need your permission to defend the North!”

Someone is in need of fiber in their diet.


So. Many. Bodily. Fluids.

My guess is that most realistic scenario is Jon finds out about his parentage and then meets Aunt Dany. Gets to ride a dragon. Ends up on the Iron Throne.

That montage went on for a year. A year, I say!

Obviously the Red Keep has no mirrors, look at that fucking haircut. It’s been like 2 seasons now, I think we can believe it’d have grown out by now.

Sam’s career has really hit the shitter.

I love the countdown clock on HBO right now. It’s basically New Year’s Eve.

Oh, Hello Cancer.

The Secret Service protects Trump. But who protects these women from Trump?

I’m in NJ. Here MAGA means “Make Asshole Go Away.”