
The Trumps are getting it from all sides. Not only are their close WH staff drip drip dripping, the Russians are leaking whenever it is the worst time for the Trumps. Putin is such a fake friend, I love it.

“It’s finished, let me tell you.”

Now, THIS is the “real thing” when it comes to Donald-speak.

Keep in mind: the lack of leaks from Muellers camp means he’s working with goddamn professionals. The only things we know are where they are looking, not what they have found. And all indications are that they keep their focus narrow but in many, specifically chosen directions.

No such thing as a “former” KGB officer

Seriously: God, what do we have to do to get the arrests moving already? I know, I know, ducks in a row, get everything in place, assemble evidence, yeah yeah yeah. But I can no longer bear the shame of the open, flagrant contempt of our “leaders” and drooling acquiescence of their followers who respond to said

Oh my God, when Trump first greeted her and went on and on about her physical shape I got so enraged that I got a facial twitch.

I was listening to Steele & Ungar on my way home from work this evening and they spent the first 20 minutes talking about this and how Fox News today was starting to say “WTF is wrong with these people?”. Some of the folks on there have had enough and switch from “there is no “there” there” to “no there is “there” to

Donnie Junior is transparent. In fact, so transparent we can see right through him.

Donald Jr. truly is a fuck up at everything. My favorite part of all of this (other than seeing these fuckers go down in flames all over emailz) is that Jr. said on Hannity he didn’t meet with any other Russians. And then this came out just a couple of days later.

I bet she absolutely wouldn’t have gone anywhere near him if there weren’t a billion cameras and her husband didn’t have one of Trump’s flabby hands trapped in a deathgrip.

In my experience with European greetings — the air-kisses, with a varying number depending on which country, lol — you don’t grab somebody by the shoulders and DRAG them into forced cheek smooches with actual contact like Trump did (ew, ew, ew,ew, ewwww), you ...wait for them to lean in first until you’re sure

There’s an excellent article in the WaPo today by a former CIA field officer explaining how everything we know so far about this meeting suggests it was a textbook attempt by Russian intelligence to feel out the Trump campaign’s receptiveness to working with them. The way they went about this is exactly how they’ve

“Great evening with President @EmmanuelMacron & Mrs. Macron. Went to Eiffel Tower for dinner. Relationship with France stronger than ever.”

So, now there’s news that Junior’s meeting with the Russian lawyer was attended by a former KGB counterintelligence officer.

Why is Jon king?

I’d say that’s not a bad guess.

What does that make the High Sparrow, then?

Willow and Jaden Smith remind me of Jaime and Cersei Lannister.

For YEARS i refused to watch it because I worked in a corperate office for a Fortune 50 company and there was only me up there in the regional office ranks.  The younger people ( late 20s or so) would loudly and obnoxiously discuss it. So I hated the show just because I hated them and everything their privileged