
It was very late at night, and she was wearing a down parka. There was no chance for anyone to help her.

Have a look at my People Magazine profile idea, seen above (nearby?)

It always made salacious copy, and few would have believed that she was just drugged beyond reason (her thing). It was that simple.

You see, this is the kinda stuff we need! (see above re: People Magazine.)

Oh, Lord. You are right.

Nope.  My theory - based on observing her behavior in the weeks preceeding her death (at several intimate parties) - was that she was very fond of downers, and probably sleepwalked right into the water.

You know, Uncle Ronnie didn’t even acknowledge that AIDS existed until a friend and work colleague of his, Rock Hudson, died from it. Maybe People Magazine can do a story about Lana Wood, and how she was driven into homelessness by her daughter’s cancer medical bills that includes a lot of photographs of her when she

I agree with everything you said except for the questioning of Natalie Wood’s death. I was a grownup in 1981, and even I remember thinking that the story of her death was extremely dubious. I was not in the least surprised that it was brought up again later.

GoFundMe is the Obamacare replacement, fyi.

A great deal of GoFundMe goes to paying medical bills. Republicans like to pretend rising medical bills were the fault of Obamacare, even though people were subject to death panels and bankruptcy in the years beforehand. Like what was dealing with an HMO like back in the 1990s? Health care costs will still be rising,

The cost of medical bills demolished the family, and they were evicted from their home in California.

For years, Lana’s occupation was being a talking head on the annual [somewhere, anywhere] Natalie bio-documentaries and gossip shows (Lana had her own history of salacious “I-dated-so-and-so” stories, too).

The fact that we live in a country where you can be made homeless over CANCER TREATMENTS disgusts me to no end

To think that so many would be in a similar situation should the repeal and replace happen. Just that most of those stories of losing everything to medical bills will go unheard of.
It blows my mind that the republicans are so driven to subject the people they serve to a life of uncertainty just for affording tax cuts

Graham is furious about this shit. If only that fury solidifies into a spinal column...

Depends on what they convinced her to sign without reading it.

It could be John McCain. I heard him talking about “it’s another shoe dropping”. I hope someone stands up for what’s right.

Dean Heller is almost there. When the White House Squatter sent his attack dogs against him, it became personal.

The cracks are showing. Collins and McCain are already opening critical. That means anytime one additional GOP senator gets upset they lose their simple majority.

Daddy made him. I’m sure Ivanka is involved with the arm twisting. But remember Don jr is the one that got punched in the face by Daddy in the dorm room. He knows his place.