
This is a federal offense, shouldn’t he be getting arrested right now?

*then brags on Twitter about how he’s way better at crimestopping than the police, posts video as proof.

“probably for genetic reasons”

I’ve never seen or heard of Don Trump Jr. We may have spoken once, probably.

Occam’s razor: Don Junior is a fucking moron.

Yeah, it’s kinda just as I have feared all along. Sure the Trumps and company are despicable creatures, but the fact that so many people are okay with this should scare the shit out of all of us. I feel like we are 1932 Germany.

Guys, is this it? Is this the beginning of the end? Is this real life?

In addition, this Russian adoption lawyer was also a Nigerian prince that wanted to bail out the Trump casinos.

Police: “Freeze!”

The sheer stupidity reflected in Junior’s stance that “Hey, I didn’t get anything useful from the meeting anyway, so NBD!” is just astounding.

I’d like to think “oh he did this because he’s stupid” but honestly I think he did this because 1: they’re fucking untouchable at this point and 2: his supporters don’t give a shit, they see nothing wrong with it. When Trump said that he could fucking shoot people and not lose any supporters, he meant it. Strap in,

“In a effort to stop the Fake News NY Times from posting obviously FAKE! emails, I went ahead and posted the same emails which are not FAKE!”

Today I felt like I breathed fresh air for the first time in nine months. My heart is soaring. I’m gonna get so blackout drunk when these fuckers are finally all indicted, it will probably put me in the hospital.

Now playing

Donald Trump Jr reminds me more and more every day of Bill Pullman in Ruthless People (1986)
“the stupidest person on the face of the earth”

The obvious answer for Earhart’s disappearance:


This whole story was so blatantly ridiculous that I was surprised it wasn’t an email forward from my mother

Maybe in Japan things like facts still matter, but we’re making America great one ridiculous rumor at a time!

Can someone please sue History Chanel for fraud as they clearly haven’t been about History for the last decade.

“Donald Trump Jr.? I barely know him. He had a very limited role for a very limited time in my life.” — Donald Trump