
Honestly, I can’t tell them apart.

This entire administration is absolutely terrified of women. Can you imagine living in fear of 51% of the population?

I understand the Republicans’ feelings here. They certainly would never do anything so disrespectful like interrupt an important event involving one of our leaders.

“Donald Trump Jr. has said that he will cooperate with congressional probes into Russian interference after news broke of his meeting with a Kremlin-linked lawyer.”

Well, if he’s that serious about emulating Napoleon, I’m up for sending Bannon to a desolate island to spend the rest of his life in the company of some scary green wallpaper.

Man, somebody shoulda told Dylan not to wear his Beef Bullion Aftershave out camping.

So being gnawed on by a bear might be a slight improvement?

When I used to go out into bear populated areas everything had to be unscented. Especially personal care products. Didn’t matter if it smelled like calming lavender or BBQ pork.

““The crunching noise, I guess, was the teeth scraping against the skull as it dug in,” said the teen.”

I can’t tell you humans how many times I’ve been tempted to eat your skulls. That coconut oil everyone’s putting in their hair smells delicious. Fuckin quit it.

I went to this camp as a kid because my best friend was Seventh Day Adventist. There were heavy doses of religious indoctrination, I remember being miserable and wanting to go home the entire time. And the lake had leeches.

My first thought: don’t sleep with your pic-a-nic basket!

Low energy bear, probably ate too many corporate pic-a-nic baskets, now trying to eat real Americans. Sad!

They are generally not aggressive unless surprised or looking for food.

Why are bears so cute if they want to eat us?

Hmmmmm...needs a dash of media bashing, methinks.

Meanwhile - this might be the best tweet about an unelected knock-off handbag designer representing the US at the G20:

So, it’s pretty obvious by now that the Vladi and Donnie are fuckin’ on the DL, right? We totally know Donnie is Vladi’s booty call, right?

Normally I’d say asking a fox to help you guard the hen house would be a bad idea. But you know, Putin could be really useful in this situation since his team would already know how others could get in, making it easier to plug the holes. Its in his best interest to keep the other predators out.

Wait, I never said it would actually work! It was just a suggestion! A tremendous suggestion. No YOU’RE the puppet! I’m not the puppet. You’re the puppet! Wait, I’m confused. Are you the puppet or am I the puppet? #MAGA