
That said, a lot of guys will lie about their marital status

I’ve seen this Hitchcock film actually, hot felon gonna try to push the heiress out the car to inherit while driving next to the edge of the British cliffsides.

Dickens died in 1870, and prisoners were not being photographed regularly until the late 1870's at the very earliest. It was expensive, and there were questions about whether photographs could be admissible evidence in court (lol).

I think I need to brush up on my Dickens.

Societally, nobody respects marriage anymore. Not the people in a marriage, and not the people outside it, either.

The Hot Felon story seems really Dickensian.

In that photo up top, Putin 100% looks like the indulgent dad smiling at the antics of his child.

It is unfathomable to me that HR McMaster, our National Security Advisor, wasn’t included. All US experts on Russia have said it is completely inconceivable that McMaster and Fiona Hill (who handles Russia matters for the National Security Council) were not included in the meeting. But what Putin wants, Putin gets...

trump is what is called a “useful idiot”.

Throughout the footage I’ve seen Putin is so laid back and clearly knows he’s in the stronger position. It’s Trump throughout trying to make himself the big man while Putin doesn’t have to say a thing.

He always looks like a sassy little teapot to me. Everything he thinks he projects is the opposite, down to the vagina hands he probably thinks look like bullhorns.

Don’t worry about me.

Full sincerity here; we’ll miss you and your writing here. I’m continually sad to see so many brilliant writers leaving this place, but I understand. It’s tough watching this place get slowly defanged and made increasingly mainstream and Voxian, but damn if you all aren’t magnificent at what you do.

I think he does it so he can slouch forward and hide his gut. If he sits back its all out for the world to see. Also, his long tie helps to hide it better that way, too.

Trump only has one testicle, and it’s sitting on top of his neck. Tell me his wrinkly ass head flesh doesn’t look like a scrotum with hair glued to it.

Considering how many positions they haven’t bothered filling, I’m not surprised - not to mention the level of incompetence of drumpster & co.

I’m convinced he wears diapers.

Someone in an earlier post said that it’s a common posture for men with testicular pain. That plus his big gut would explain it.

Probably a serious case of hemorrhoids.

This tit always sits like he is having a difficult bowel movement. I’m sure he thinks it makes him look badass, but it reminds me of an insecure, and hyperactive child. Hmmm...