
I personally think he molested her when she was younger. All the pics of her on his lap, with him wrapped around her, kissing her neck ... it’s all gross. Plus, remember, she lived with her mom growing up. Donald only saw her occasionally. It would be very easy for him to not think of her as family and as just a

Exactly, people are tripping over themselves to give her an award for having a vagina while totally ignoring the fact that she is LITERALLY helping to destroy American equality.

This makes me so physically uncomfortable.

God he’s almost touching her boob... I’m retching.

She probably has been groomed to keep the peace and a whole lot of other things. That doesn’t make her any less complicit in her father being a garbage person. I can still be pretty disgusted that her father judges all women, including his daughters, based on whether or not he finds them sexually attractive; that

There is a 90% chance he grazed the bottom of her breast going in for that hug. There is a 100% chance he meant to do it.

Or she loves her father and has been groomed to keep the peace, her fathers mental health is declining and what little filter he had is gone, she knows her livelyhood depends on her dad and doesn’t want to be shamed for being a victim. Quit being gross.

and given how good she looked in a black veil at the Vatican, she’ll look amazing at the funeral!

I assume there’s a prenup in place that severely cuts her alimony if she files for divorce, and she has a son to think about.

Can’t believe she hasn’t filed already. I doubt she signed up for having to play at being first lady when she signed the contract.

Well, she obviously has zero problem with him making sexual remarks about her and sexually assaulting many other women as well as making 3rd grade level comments about their appearance.

He’s basically cupping her tits. *VOMIT*

The scumbag literally said he’d consider dating her if she wasn’t his daughter. He had no problem with Howard Stern calling her a piece of ass. There are numerous other photos that have a creepy incest vibe, some of them from when she was a teenager. So yeah, it’s not completely out of bounds that we’re going straight

The gif of it is actually worse. I agree it’s creepy & gross.

jujy stahp

No one is surprised. He’s been doing it since day one of stepping onto the WH property.

This is so vile and creepy looking.

“Gotta admit, her tits look pretty good in this pic.” DJT

Anyone else unsurprised by the fact that45 walks away from the encounter leaving Melania behind? Meanwhile, Duda embraces his wife and signals for her to lead. Curious to hear everyone’s thoughts on the likelihood of a divorce?

Quick someone call the doctor!