
My SIL has been moralizing all over about my stepdaughters’ out-of-wedlock babies (because she’s such a Christian that she rushed to the altar for a shotgun wedding, but set that aside). Voting for Trump was a “moral mission,” because “only Muslims and immigration matter.” She insists that God will guide Trump, but

And the people who do this never, ever mention that, if you want to blame a demographic for Trump, it’s crystal clear that is white men. Nearly 65% of them voted for Trump, but we can’t let that get in the way of shitting on women for the things men do.

I for realz saw a documentary about Earhart on the History Channel back when it was still credible. A group of amateur historians went to the island and found artifacts: a shoe sole, a piece of metal with rivet holes in it, and maybe a couple of other things. They convincingly linked the shoe sole to shoes Earhart

Amelia Earhart was very angry about what was happening during World War II. Very angry. Would never have let it happen. Sad.

“Not too many people know about this Amelia Earhart, she rode in a plane back in the Civil War — oh thanks Jared, Jared here’s brought me a photo...wait, where are her boobs? You sure that’s a chick??”

He’s sending his best man, Fredrick Douglass, to negotiate for her release.

Wait until he finds out she is a feminist AND a lesbian.

I read that she was imprisoned and likely died of malaria or dysentery shortly after.

He’ll put Jared Kushner on it. I mean, he is in charge of peace in the Middle East, what is one unsolved mystery?

was this on the History Channel? (oh wait this was when HC still had actual academic credibility...?)

True story! Also it wasn’t the manual transmission per se, it was that the shifter was a three-in-the-tree. Vulcans ain’t got no time for that completely illogical nonsense.

No doubt Trump’s noticed that Amelia Earhart has done an amazing job and is getting recognized more and more.

Hopefully she’ll clock him when he tries to grab her by the pussy upon her return. She was kind of a badass (I did a report on her in the 7th grade. Got an A).

This is nonsense. I remember seeing a documentary in the nineties about what happened to Amelia Earhart. She was kidnapped by aliens along with a bunch of other people, and taken to a planet on the other side of the galaxy. Then some other humans got lost in space and found Amelia Earhart after discovering a pickup

Fuck no. We already nuked them once. If the #MAGA crowd thought the Japanese had taken an American Heeero, shit...Trump would be calling for more cruise missles and chocolate cake.

Trump will negotiate her return from the Japanese. No worries.

I am slightly comforted that working class votes skewed the total but I’m still baffled why ~49% of white college educated women would vote for a troll. They can’t all be 1%.

No, 53% of white women who voted, period.

Once again, 53% of white women stabbed themselves along with all other women - actually scratch that - all other human beings on earth - in the back. Traitors.

Weeelll ... it’s complicated. Larry DeHaven, who Peter Elkind referred to as “The Investigator,” accumulated enough evidence to take Nurse Jones to trial for AT LEAST 20 murders. She was NEVER tried for the cases in the U of Texas hospitals or Bexar County. Yes, there were settlements. But because Jones was never