

Wasn’t their original plan to lower premiums? Are they even trying to do what they said they would?

“We call them the funinsured because they can use all that money they’re not wasting on insurance on booze to make their last days on earth go faster!”

I never understood why people think wearing the American Flag is patriotic when it violates the Flag etiquette.

As for Cernovich, in case politics doesn’t pan out, he’s working on a side hustle ripped from the pages of InfoWars: branded supplements. When asked how sales of Gorilla Mind, a nootropic drug based off the name of his self-published book, he told Gizmodo: “I don’t have any yet, but that’ll go well.”

“No longer silent we will be heard”

I’d settle for severe adult acne treated with a drug with side effects that include weight gain and anal leakage.

That didn’t start with this pair of generations, either

“But I’m pretty! Jared and daddy tell me so.”

It’s really no big deal. If Chelsea Clinton was doing the same thing I’m sure everybody would be totally cool with it. Btw, for those not conversant in sarcasm, this was sarcasm.


Hey Ivanka! Maybe you should suggest to dear Jared that he stay out of politics as well? He’s the one who urged DT to fire Comey, a terrible mistake and example of poor judgement which led to Muller and a full on investigation into Trump/Russia and also Trump and Kushner’s money laundering. Also, after Jared’s

Her selflessness is breathtaking. In the photo above, she clearly interrupted her cocktail party plans in order to attend an important meeting with the government mens. And give her father “the special look” when he starts drifting into sundowning mode.

They did, thank God. But in an another case, Neil Gorsuch voted with the losing minority to let Arkansas refuse to list both names of same-sex parents on birth certificates. So all President Prima Donna has to do is appoint one more justice to the Supreme Court to get the travel ban and everything else The Boy Blunder

Thanks Ivanka; any chance of convincing your old man to stay out of politics as well?

Maybe she doesn’t know what “politics” exactly is. Stupidity is a genetic defect in her family.

Her Jackie O wannabe/finishing school voice is creepy as fuck.

That is a beautiful piece of writing.

Don’t forget the pussies, all ways with the pussy grabbing.