
The reason I think RW is probably innocent of anything is simply the fact that her daughter (who is not his biological child) has chosen to hang with him all these years and even took his name (I believe of her own accord, as an adult). Obvs I have no personal knowledge of these people like you do, so glad to see my

Ooooo, brutal!

Must google...

Wait, when did Judge Reinhold get arrested in Dallas? Should I remember this....?

Yup. Good news breakdown there. I guess we’re all living in a reality TV show now.

“Complete morons are rare...” Excellent reference, btw. But I’m old.

I still say they’re going to get indicted for money laundering. The collusion/treason/espionage conspiracy part is just icing on the cake. By “they” I mean everyone named Trump and possibly Kushner, except the little kids. Melania was probably too busy “reading” fashion magazines and doing pilates to be found guilty.

WaPo story said somebody brought cadaver sniffing border collies to the island and found evidence that either Amelia or Fred died under a certain tree. This was recently, and it was on the same island where they’ve found stuff before...the poor souls probably lasted a week or so, before expiring from

Winning comment here. Srsly.

Uday and Qusay.

This is just the first part of this statute. Feel free to google and read more. tl;dr: fine of double the amount laundered and 20 years to serve. I predict this is what they’re going down for.

So much this.

Where is the yacht pic?

Let’s hear ‘em all. You’re right. And...right again!

Walk like a stick and carry a softly?

Here I am, ahem, saying it again, but Ivanka and Jared are going to have to find some relatives to raise their children while they’re in the pokey. Ditto Don Jr. and Eric.

Good point. Well said.


It’s self sabotage for anybody who depends on the ACA for insurance to have voted for any Repuglican, male or female. They showed their cards long ago. People not being able to understand that the ACA is Obamacare is one of those things I am going to be pissed about forever, I guess. Also self sabotage: voting R if