
Except for Mr. Again! I sleep with that guy. And he votes right and is totally cool. Actually, there are a few others besides him...

Don’t know why I’m just now seeing this comment...none of this is surprising. As someone who has practiced law in Texas for 34 years (not criminal or personal injury law, though), I can tell you that WHO you get as a lawyer often makes all the difference in many contexts, but particularly in high-stakes situations.

OK, just for comparison (per the New Yorker; got this from a 2012 article): in 2004, Bush carried white women with 55% to Kerry’s 44%. 2008, McCain 53% Obama 46%, 2012 Romney 56% Obama 42%. All these are figures for white women; education is not broken down here. But note: Obama got 56% of all women to McCain’s 43% in

I remember this as well! Sounds like the right details you got there.

Yeah, Roanoke! Always got me, too. It was the 16th century, QEI was busy dealing with the Armada and they went off to live with the Indians. Apparently. Now the archaeological evidence is in the Atlantic Ocean, thanks to erosion, and will be even further underwater shortly, thanks to global warming.

As I was saying to Mr. Again the other day, I think Jared and Ivanka’s kids may have to go live with relatives while they do their time..... and many of the relatives will probably be locked up, too, so the arrangements could be tricky. Ivana will have to step in. Just my take.

I know some people who named their kid Senator. This was like 27 years ago, so he’s a grownup now.

Will come in handy when Jared’s skyscraper note comes due.


Hahahaha. Winner. More stars needed on this one.

It’s not just you.

I can’t stand to follow him on twitter but it is tempting to get some pics of real bleeding from plastic surgery and tweet ‘em his way. If enough people did it.... Your comment is great, BTW.

I really don’t remember specifically but there were men who knew about the party and made some kind of semi-snide comments or something. Men can get sideways about being excluded — a lot of recent press about the Wonder Woman showing at Alamo Drafthouse comes to mind. Austin strikes again!

So much this! Although I have noticed the hair is less bright orange or yellow like it was for so long. Somebody is convincing him to go easier on the hair color. Maybe the deranged tweeting is a rebellion against not being able to have his hair the way he likes it.

I have the honor of being the 100th person to promote this comment.

As much as I really don’t want to lose my health insurance at a time of life when I actually need it (age 59), there is a part of me that wishes the Repubs would just do all their horrible shit and let the red states experience it, really percolate in it for a couple of years. I mean, blue states could still have

Hey Ari, haven’t seen you around here lately. Maybe I wasn’t looking in the right place. Please keep breathing; you are needed!

This was in Austin, and the organizers were very proud of putting it together. It was held in their apartment (near UT; we were all undergraduates then). The hostesses were both straight Marxist feminists (at the time, anyway; who knows whether their sexual identities stayed the same forever??? Also, nobody does the

I went to an all-women, feminist party back in the 70's at which a thrilling round of pin-the-penis-on-the-pinup was played. With a blindfold, construction paper penises and and the obligatory pinup with limp dick from Playgirl. True story. (Other parlor games were also played, and homemade candy and tea were

Hahaha, me too on this one.