
One thing the Dump admin is doing for me is making me understand in a visceral way how people like Ivanka have sold their souls...she spends her life kowtowing to this sorry lowlife fucker because she likes the money it makes her. If anybody ever got the crazy idea that she is anything other than a vapid

I’m that way about Rickman.

WWD clicking led me to the oh-my-fucking-god dept:

Complicit giraffe neck. Note that honest giraffes have nice necks.

Well, 22 million is better than 23 million! Senate bill is such an improvement over House bill! WOW, thanks, McTurtle et al.

I would assume they got sued anyway, and no doubt paid some hefty settlements and/or judgments.

That’s probably a fair way to characterize it! No one wanted to face the fact that a nurse who was really good at IVs was in fact a murderer.

No doubt there have been repeated tweaks. The first person executed after Furman, in 1982, got the DP in 1976 under the new law.

Well, you’re sort of right. Texas got itself a new death penalty law in 1973, immediately after Furman v. Georgia (1972) which was the landmark case that invalidated the existing death penalty statutes. However, there wasn’t an actual execution in Texas until 1982, even though there had been new death sentences

Actually I just googled Dr. Holland and she’s still a pediatrician in Kerrville, gets all the yelp stars. Amazing that she survived it somehow.

The money laundering, the Russkie mob associates, get nervous Donnie, get very, very nervous.


Lord Buckethead! I know about you and your trip to NY, thanks to John Oliver.

Well, I’m old enough to actually remember this, so here’s my few cents’ worth. On her escaping the death penalty, I’m sure her being white and female was part of it. Probably a big part. Another aspect is, she was killing babies and very young kids who were hospitalized and already unconscious or unable to know what

You don’t listen and you put word in people’s mouth. Is that anything like putting food on your family? Simply trying to clarify, here! Dammit, please don’t break my glasses.

He’s one of those people who could use a few years of a pack a day, just to improve his voice. Why do you think so many of the old news anchors sounded so deep and resonant? Too bad about the lung cancer.

He’s a nutcase who’s figured out how to make $$$$ off it. Which is ... evidence that our little experiment can’t go on much longer without major tweaking, at the very least.

Ha, I would not watch this shit and would not watch MK because if I liked looking at FauxNews trolls, I’d watch them in their natural habitat. America’s Funniest Home Videos is far better, classier, more uplifting television than an overpaid creep interviewing a weirdo.

After I watched the documentary that came out shortly after her death, I was convinced it was Coca-cola and cigs that did her in. Both legal. No judgment here for the illegal stuff; I’m just kind of impressed, having been nowhere near that for so long (I’m close to her age).

Is it possible this was a sexual predator out and about in the wee hours and found himself a victim? I know I was terrified of this kind of thing happening to me when I was 17, and religion had nothing to do with it. I was also hardly ever out at 4:00 AM, and this kind of thing can happen at any time of day, but I