
I really hope we’re able print out the entire internet and put it in a vault so one day the aliens can fully grasp how much we deserved our demise.

God, I love that story. I once watched a large whitetail deer doe who was obvs leading a group of younger ones and fawns; she got all prepared to defend against a little old lady pushing her tiny dog in a stroller on the nearby sidewalk, pawing the ground and really putting on a fierce demeanor, then she took off

If Dump wasn’t his piece of shit self, I’d almost feel sorry for him. All he wants is some kind of affirmation, and yet he self sabotages at every turn, pisses practically everyone off and winds up eating alone in the corner. Of course the cool kids all laugh at him, and so do the almost-cool kids, too. Completely

Yeah, people playing baseball should definitely be armed at all times. This is the REALLY SMART takeaway here. Yup.

Not to insult Granny, but.....

Here ya go.

God I love this comment. Bravo!

Ivanka! Miss those trips to Azerbaijan? I love that I have now learned how to spell “Azerbaijan.” Thanks, trumps.

Best O’Donnel comments last night were excoriating Dump’s lawyer, who “doesn’t know a thing” about representing a politician in Washington; none of the local bigshot DC lawyers would touch Dump with a ten foot pole and the guy he’s got is the same one who represented Dump U. where Dump had to settle $25 million on

He’s the only one I saw during that hearing who was even remotely doable, but I did sleep through part of it.

I thought Cotton was surprisingly easy on the eyes.

Sometimes I require a pile driver for when I really need to relax.

Thnx. Just got drunk at Jack Allen! A bar/restaurant in Round Rock, TX.

My money’s on Russian agent AND moron.

This cannot be pointed out often enough.

Hey birthday person! Me, too. Come to Texas and I’ll buy you a drink.

Plus, you don’t have to actually make the introductions. Pinchuk is paying me to stay in Texas while I try to think of who’s invited to my fantasy dinner party. Gloria Steinem, meet Soren Kirkegaard!

Sharon Stone and I are the same age, and why don’t I have legs that are anywhere near those! Godammit.

Petticoat! Junction! Hahaha, I thought I had to be OLD to remember that....

I like having someone from Nebraska on here! CDT rules. Hahahaha, it wine time yet?