
First of all, I can never remember if her last name is Griffin or Griffith, and b) Yawnsville.

See the article below this one on Jez.

I was thinking of getting a neck lift AND making snow globe cupcakes this afternoon, but time is runnin’ short....

Nope, got divorced in 1975 and has yet to find another woman who will have sex with him without being paid.

Spill it, Poot!

I wouldn’t really mind if KG decapitated Dump for realz, and then I also wouldn’t mind if she got the death penalty for it. OK, shoot me, but win all around....

I can totally tell Paul Ryan from Rand Paul, and yet I thought it was the latter who was pissing 8th graders off....


Lifted for future use. Thnx.

Was thinking of Crumb as I read this. Didn’t even know about the connection. Thanks.

Three way with those guys! Me, me, me! I called it! I’ll go first and let y’all know how it is. I’ll even take a crash French course.


Repubs, along with Dump & Co. are trying their hardest to replicate 2008. It. Is. Amazing. Another point that drives me nuts: get rid of birth control (to say nothing of abortion rights) and then complain there’s too many children on food stamps and Medicaid. See also: screwing up your demographics even faster.

Like my mom doing the PeeWee Herman handshake to my then-husband (this was when it was a timely joke) - hand full of hand lotion.

Same! Still have not watched the NATO speech, not sure if I can take the Dumpness.

Touche. Accent mark unavailable.

hahahaha! this made me laugh

Yes, yet Holiness, this is what the head of her own religion wears, mofo.

Convert from Protestant to Judaism; married woman = leopard print sleeves on brown dress with off-white or pink veil.

THOUGHT THE SAME THING! Whoops, caps left over from post in the greys.