
White walkers vs. dragons. BRING IT

OMG you are the winner.

Man. Melly LOVES that thing on her head. She’s killin’ that thing. She’s dropping it in the first furnace she can find.

This, this THIS.

Also, and I can’t say this often or frequently enough, President Pence. Better a defenestrated, or, now that I look that up, a disempowered President Cheetolini than a President P. Although a proper defenestration of Dump would also be very satisfying; — maybe only from the second story, resulting in a maiming but not

Nah, lawyer here, joint custody is the standing order in family law courts all over the USA nowadays. Although — who knows what’s in their prenup? Could be pretty draconian. Still, I doubt “trapped” is really it — she thinks staying is preferable to leaving, for whatever reason, and I’ll never get that, just like I’ll

I need to see this movie. Surprised I have not seen it yet. TCM?

There’s also tremendous, and fantastic. The best. Believe me.

Ha — you beat me to this comment.

Yup, that’s Dutch.

I think most departments need to be on Trump....

OK, this sounds like something the FBI should definitely check out for fraud... IF THEY HAVE TIME. The whole Trump/Russian fuckfest must be sorted out first, stat! Thnx, Feds.

It has nothing to do with Democrats having a bad message (it’s a perfectly good one) and nothing to do with Hillary being a shitty candidate (she was less than perfect but not horrible). It has to do with being the “change” candidate. I was no Bernie supporter, but he was able to occupy the CHANGE space on the “left”

I put this comment on the previous Dump outrage, which was several minutes ago, and is still in the grays. I wrote it because you don’t want President Pence, folks!

See my comment elsewhere in this thread. He can be crippled and left there, and we don’t have to suffer the horrors of President Pence.

Here’s what can and should happen, instead of impeachment. The money laundering needs to be brought to light, and all the former Trump Org. employees who won’t flip, along with all family members who can’t, need to be tried and sentenced. Dump can stay in the Oval office, but without Jared & Ivanka, who will be sent

My favorite one from someone here: Finally, we have a real man president who has the guts to hire a hooker to pee on him.

Honest question here: how many different faces has she had? Do her kids look like any of them?

Aww, I miss Alan Rickman more than all the other dead celebs of 2016.

Googling Defense Security Service. Why have I never heard of this before?