
It’s going to turn out to be the money laundering. Dump & Co. have not been able to get financing for golf courses etc. since the Bush Depression and the only way they stay afloat is from questionable cash money a la the Azerbaijan deal. Putin knows this very well. He’s milkin’ it for all it’s worth. Dump may not even

Congrats on being able to watch it. I can’t even look at Dump without wishing he’d go away and OMG I’m not looking at that shit for one more second.


She’s the reincarnation of Anne Neville, who’s been stuck on some planet somewhere for the past 500 years and hasn’t had the usual number of decompressing incarnations since, for unknown reasons, or no reason at all.  Just a wild guess.

I don’t care whether he was masturbating, taking a shit or whatever. I just want $$millions from a few phone calls. He didn’t pay out all that money for nothin’.

Shit, how can I get this rich cretin to call me a few times while I tape it? Except I guess that cash cow has left the pasture now that he’s no longer at Faux News.

Who knew metaphors could be so hard!

Impressive! I don’t watch GMA, but good on ya!

This. I’ve been a small business owner for 30+ years and I’d have been all over those Quickbooks looonnng before 6 years was up.

I had no idea she would lose until election night, but Brexit really creeped me out. Because there is a thread of culture there, and if people in England were willing or even eager to do something xenophobic and wretchedly against their own interests because OUTSIDERS! then I instinctively knew the English-speaking

Priscilla herself wrote a memoir about her time with Elvis which I read years least 25 years ago, I’d say. He liked some funny little sexygames, apparently.

Those are brocade-ish paisleys on that thar tux. And seriously, she’s young and cute and has a darling little figure and she designs herself a muumuu to get married in? WTF, Priscilla. At least she got out before she got suffocated; many a young girl wasn’t that self-protective.

What I’m going to say when traveling outside the country, if anyone brings up the Dumpster, is no, of course I didn’t vote for him. His voters are the ones who don’t have passports.

Texas lawyer here, who doesn’t do family law, but jury trials are a constitutional right everywhere, I thought. Jury trials are horribly expensive, and rare in the child custody context, but they happen here all the time.

I just want to know what exact kind of pain it will take for some critical mass of Trumpsters to lose heart. They’ll still love him and all, but if they’re really hurting from, IDK, starvation or a nuclear holocaust or homelessness in the desert or something, will they say, maybe we shouldn’t have had this person as

Yup, this is it.

And Chaffetz, under investigation for taking $$ from those same Russians, and Mitch “the Turtle” McConnell, conspiring with Paul “the Weasel” Ryan to get Russian money for Repug congressional races....huh? Why can’t Repugs be satisfied with the billions they rake in from American sources? Why do they have to get money

Gilligan’s Island: those poor people....

I’m starting a new religion in which we believe that everyone and everything is part of an elaborate computer simulation created by... ? And our souls get “recycled” — or reincarnated, if you will — and when we inhabit the in-between-lives-on-earth space we still can’t tell we’re in a computer simulation. Death will

Ugh, but more stars for you! She’s stationed in just the right way to block his gut.