
Ugh, thanks. I guess. I did ask for it.

Ha, that’s pretty much the reason I read reading options where I was at the time. Also, Wouk was writing in the 50's when that WAS the prevailing attitude so maybe he some get a smidge of slack? Nah, screw him.

Is this woman someone I should know of? This is not Kim K, is it?

I accidentally read Marjorie Morningstar about 34 years ago and I’ll never forget the heroine “having” to wind up as a housewife. Damn you, Herman Wouk. His great writing was the reason I couldn’t put it down, but the ending pissed me off so much I never read another one of his books. IIRC.

Quit it Poot! Making me smirk again.

This needs more stars.

Great handle, great comment. May the force be with you.

I seem to get ungreyed every time I post something timely — if it’s a day late, I’m grey.

Seems like you’re ungreyed everytime I see you — maybe I just don’t check out the greyz!

Yeppers on Robert O. and Eva Marie Saint — had to be one of the best interviews, ever. Also, Ben M. is Hollywood nobility himself, but not sure whether he was raised there — thinking maybe New York instead, after his parents were no longer together.

Yes you did, you silly Iceberg.

I endorse this comment whole-heartedly. I’m surprised Ben M. didn’t just get main host duties outright, or maybe he did, and I’m just misinterpreting. I love his smart-aleckness. And he knows his stuff cold. Baldwin is totally welcome, too. Bring on Cher, and I’ll take some more Sally Field, for that matter.

Laurence Harvey in Butterfield-8! Sexy, nasty motherfucker.

Yes! Selfish people have children, IMHO. I mean, maybe that was different 150 years ago, but widespread vaccinations and sewage systems for the masses hath wrought a higher standard of living and literally BILLIONS more of us than anybody needs. The best thing you can do for our species and the planet is to refrain

Hahaha, I love this shit/

So this guy is basically a lower-upper-class right-wing bat who likes to throw parties? Thank the goddess I’m too old for him.

Thing is, all these white right wing guys are also distressed about the fact that the USA is increasingly a nonwhite population. I don’t know why it’s hard for them to understand that getting rid of family planning is only going to make it more so, as has already been happening in places that have been defunding PP

I’m having a hard time coming up with anything pithy here. I did read the local news story linked in the post and this guy is a Presbyterian minister?! I thought they were liberal, or at least the ones in Austin are.  I guess I’ll never get Protestants all the way figured out.

Schumer should say, OK we’ll negotiate on single payer, motherfucker. Medicare for all or we are not anywhere near your so called “negotiation” table.

I call Spanx on that midsection! Or else some kind of a girdle.