
Thank you for this. The local POV is most important, and the national party cannot get involved in every race, esp. when it would only hinder the local candidate. National branding is a real issue right now. Signed, a Longtime Democrat

Beat me to it.

Touche, goddess. Nailed it.

Every time I see this I think she has her head on backwards.

So what happened? Did they scatter all the rose petals/carry rings on cushions/throw up on everybody??? Questions need answers.

[googles meghan markle]

I don’t remember them coming in the house; they were mainly porch/sidewalk pests IIRC. If I ever got one in my pocketbook, I’d scream for sure, but at least it’s whole instead of a gooey mess in between your toes!

Jesus, I now know more about slugs than I even thought possible. I never see them in Texas but we had ‘em back where I come from in the upper South and the thing I always hated was running around barefoot as a child and stepping on one in the dark. Squish! Grooooooossssssss.

OK, this made me laugh. out. loud.

Well, thank God they are finally going to do something about this horrendous situation. Hahaha, just kidding.

I think we can agree to agree on this! Also, quartering soldiers in private homes during peacetime is a real no-no in my book, too.

Well, I’ll have to take your word for that (assuming you know more about the military and/or the ME than I do, since both are far from my area of expertise) but I thought the whole thing was a horrible idea from the beginning. I mean, Saddam Hussein had nothing to do with 9-11, and completely changing another

I guess I’ll go to my grave/the crematorium without ever knowing how the Bush admin ever thought FOR ONE FUCKING SECOND that they could just waltz in there and get rid of what was obviously one of the few semi-stable situations in the ME, and destabilize the shit out of it and then everything was supposed to turn out

Not to mention the vast majority of both liberals and conservatives have no idea how complex the politics of the Middle East are. They think it boils down to simply “Muslims hate us for our freedomz” if you’re a conservative and “Muslims hate us because of imperialism” if you’re a liberal.

Holy Toledo, this link says she has a kitchen of 8,300 square feet? The KITCHEN in her New York apartment is 3 times bigger than my whole house? Is that even possible? WTF?!  

Saving this pic for later...thnx.

Made me laugh! Vodka time? Yes.

Mr. Again knew one back in the day, he says.

No, no, no...when we say “single payer” we are referring to Medicare for all. There will still be private health insurance available and private physicians who don’t take Medicare (or Singlepayercare) who can charge what they want and exist outside the Singlepayercare system. As there are today, with Medicare.

There used to be plenty of women named Aquanetta, after a hair apray called Aqua Net. Actually just checked, it still exists.