
Could you please let me know when you’re going? I’ll need a couple of days’ notice to get plane tickets. Thnx.

Went straight to Feud after BLL! Then John Oliver, and that’s why I wasn’t back here until now. Yes, Jessica Lange and Susan Sarandon also make a TV show such a freakin’ treat...You don’t even hardly begrudge the commercials. Both of them in one night was supercalifragilisiticexpeealidocious!

She’s great in this, but so is Reese, and of course they are both exec producers of it....I commented to Mr. Again last week, one thing about this show is you can tell why all/most of these ladies have Oscars or have been nominated...they’re A list for good reason. It’s a treat to see so much talent/skill all in one

This this this.

Laughing like an idiot here.

Stephen Miller for the win! I’d like to see a number of people hit that little Nazi jerkoff, not just Justin Trudeau. Meryl Streep and, I dunno, Billie Jean King should each get a punch as well — I could line up celebrities I’d pay to watch punch that nasty trolly twerp.

Where is California’s 5th District and is it possible for me to move there? I want this guy to be my Congressman!

Starred before scrolling all the way down. Would star again if possible.

I have saved this gif for myself. It is everything I ever wanted. Thanx!

Yes, and Ivanka is supposedly besties with Wend y Deng, who is now Putin’s girlfriend? How does she get security clearance? So many questions....

Thanks for this post....I haven’t ever been able to look at BB or any other right wingnut sites, as I’m getting old and just don’t have the stomach for that level of shit anymore. I have thought for some time that the GOP is going to get torn apart by its obviously fractious factions, and I can only hope that SOMEHOW

The Azerbaijan Trump tower story has been well reported in the New Yorker. Apparently Ivanka would go there and make a big show of picking out marble for floors, wallpaper, etc. when there’s not even a road to the thing and it was a money laundering scheme for Revolutionary Guards of Iran, who have a close connection

Like a gosling! This deserves best comment status, my friend.

Yeppers to this comment. All the Dump minions are doing everything they can to destroy the American worker, just like Repuglicans generally for the past 36 years. Duped people, sad!

I just found out there even is a podcast, which I will never watch anyway. I’ve just been sitting here going, where the hell is Midweek Madness, clearly I’ve missed something?

I don’t understand this comment but your name is totally boss.

Thanks for this. I started reading it and my eyes glazed over almost immediately.

I approve this message. Also, the never asked to be born comment was one I yelled at my parental units quite a few times, if memory serves. That said, I actually am grateful that they read Dr. Spock and never hit us. The emotional horribleness was the pits, though.

So much this. I hated childhood so much, it made me never want to have kids, because why go there again?

Waaahhhh....I was in tears from reading the article, now I’m hugging the kleenex box. I’ve known others over the years who have a similar story, but it moves me all the more as I get older. It is very kind of you to share; more of these stories should be out in every public place, now. A good friend of mine’s mother