
Pelican gullet!

Starred for Fritz the Cat.

Hi, fellow Austin person! (I’m an old with no interest in getting any tats but found this thread a really good read.)

Yes, very blind. The ones in Texas (9-banded?) have 4 identical quadruplets in every litter. Once I was in the forest in East Texas, strolling around, when one by one, four little pink ones hopped across the trail. When they get running, they hippety-hop like freaks. Only natural predator is the automobile, or so I

Gay conversion therapy only never works for anyone, including married guys who call their wife “Mother.” Fixed it.

Gay conversion therapy only works for married guys who call their wife “Mother.”

I’ve got $207.00 in my pocketbook now. I’ll bring Larabars and vodka.


Well said.


Hud and Speck?! Golly.

I’m in two of those groups in Texas and some of us (I wasn’t there, unfortunately) got him surrounded in Round Rock last weekend. He was trying to sneak out the back door of a Marriott after speaking to the Texas State Rifle Assn. He got away, but the slimy little motherfucker got an earful.

To this whole post, I say, Bwahahahahahaha. Also, I want Shirl’s opinion on the theory that we’re living in a simulated universe. I am more sure I’m a simulation every day.

Trump’s speech was the eye of the storm—a very catastrophic storm—that will purge America of undocumented immigrants and Muslims, cripple voting rights for minorities, turn the Department of Justice against the most vulnerable, destroy the EPA, end the public school system, incite violence and hate crimes against

Great article, thnx.

Yes, I was in high school then and it was all the rage. The drill was, somebody would call in a bomb threat so everyone was evacuated onto the lawn, and the streaking would commence. I remember teachers just laughing their asses off. Also, it was legal for kids to smoke (cigarettes) in designated areas outside. And we

Why am I so amused at aged Bonnie and Clyde fighting over this???

I shouldn’t love this pic so much, but. I spend too much of my time cleaning up cat puke. Mine aren’t allowed outside.

It stands to reason that she is horrified by the First Lady role, then. All social shit all day long. No wonder she’s putting off moving to Washington. Plus inevitable scrutiny of the (possibly autistic) kid. Really his getting elected was the worst outcome for everybody except President Bannon.

Hahaha, how long ya think it’s been since that really happened? I don’t think Mike and Mother have done it lately.