
A craaaaaazzzzeeee fucking moron.

+10 for Galaxy Q

I think he called me to fly over to FL for an interview, but I was too busy issuing verbal instructions to my Roomba to pick up the phone.

Trump is both Fat Man and Little Boy. Brilliant.

They never got married, which I just found out because I read most of the source article. They broke up.


Hahaha winner here. Needs more starz.

Reading this makes me want to start drinking early today. Whither the ACA? Whither civilization? Whither sanity? The right amount of vodka would make me quit asking these questions.

Nailed it!

People who believe this...all it will hasten is poor, vulnerable people (i.e., NOT S. Sarandon) getting more fucked over than they already are.

People who believe this...all it will hasten is poor, vulnerable people (i.e., NOT S. Sarandon) getting more fucked over than they already are.

This is what we need to do with the rotating Drumpf admin spokesliars, just knock ‘em off as they are presented to us.

OK, that photo of KAC indicates that she eats her fingernails, right? I get that she doesn’t eat/keep down much else, but I didn’t realize until now that she is on the Fingernail Diet(tm).

How could I turn this into a jpg so I can send it everywhere....??? If only I knew. I would love to put this on facebook.

There is a “J” at the beginning and a long “O” at the end, but hahahahahaha. This really cracked me up, for some reason.

Hey, House Intelligence Chair David Nunes, did you know that phone call was made to the Soviet Ambassador’s office — ya think we shouldn’t be monitoring that? Think Putin would be happy to quit checking out the phone calls our people are making in Moscow, in return? Seriously, intelligence seems to be in short supply

Now I have to make a Planned Parenthood donation in the name of Mother Pence. YOU MADE ME DO IT SEE YOU AT THE CLINIC

Winner here.

This so much.

This is an uplifting story.