SayItAgain are evil. Hearted.

I printed this one out and burned it on my grill just for fun. It’s great with flames licking up around it.

My friend’s daughter is an emergency room nurse in Dallas and she said the Number One cause of serious injury/death to white children in Texas these days is ATVs. ER personnel see it all the time.

Rosie cucks Donny. In so many different ways. This need to be on the Twitter thing.

Out of the ruble! Good one...even if unintentional.

ollie, ollie oxen free....nevermind.

Nitpicking on my part. Sorry, I’m a lawyer and I do it for a living....

Half the reason we lived through Reagan is because there was a Democratic Congress and plenty of liberal judges and the bureaucracy was stable enough to withstand a certain amount of executive-directed bullshit. But now the legislative branch is broken, the executive is a-crumblin’ and is trying to destroy the fourth

No, they got married in 2005 and Ivanka is 35 now, so she was an adult at the time of that marriage.

And those Reagan recessions and that insane taxpayer bailout of the savings and loans, which was caused by *gasp* deregulation of financial institutions. We see over and over again how this shit works out, and we still do it over and over again. This is why we can’t have nice things. Despair here.

haha made me laugh, needs moar starz

This is the kind of shit I come here for. So ridic, so welcome now.

Now playing

Song Donny sings to Stevie B every night as they tuck each other in.

Gen X you are. I have a strong opinion about this, as I was born in 1958 and my sisters are 1960 and 63. We’re close to the same generation, and obvs all went through our particular family war zone together, but they are Gen X and I’m a baby boomer. I’ve had a lot of 1959 friends and early 60's friends, and I am

I burn printed out photos of him every night on the grill, while repeating the incantation, “Die, die, die...”

Shambling through a blasted wasteland with your rusty grocery cart, looking for canned goods and hoping to avoid the cannibals. Or as I like to call it, shopping at Walmart.

Winner here.


Her eyes are plastic-surgeried to slits, though. They do NOT look like they used to.

Ha ha very good.