
I just have to say, love your handle. That’s her picture, too, no?

Well, I stupidly had the idea that Bobby D sent Patti Smith to pick it up for him. Duh.

Turmp! Nice.

Small gift certificates to a restaurant. Candles and incense. Sorry, these are kind of lame, and a couple of days late.

Honestly, I think I’d rather be nearer to a ground zero than safely away. Think, no electricity for weeks, food very hard to get, gas stations out of gas, etc. etc. There was an unusual freeze in the upper south back in the 90's and all the 18 wheelers had to park at the malls, for a whole weekend or whatever, and my


Same re: Twitter.

I’ll be your friend...I still have a giant case of HOLY SHIT that won’t go away no matter how hard I try to keep from freaking out, and I have a wide circle of friends and family who are not Trumpsters. Plus, I’m 58, so I don’t even have to (personally) worry if abortion rights disappear, though I am in the wrong spot

Not to be a complete and utter moron, but is Friday Nite Social Hour or whatever it was is canceled, then what?

My new go-to comment.

Now that I think about it, they may have sent out more than one round of checks.

I remember that stunt. I thought Shirley MacLaine also cashed hers?

The West Fund. They help women in rural Texas who have to travel hundreds of miles these days to get reproductive health care. This is a place where your money does real good.

WaPo wrote one editorial after another, beginning in the summer, against Trump. Also investigative reporting into the nitty gritty details of Trump Foundation bullshit. Your comment is so incorrect.


This moar starz

I guess a lot of so-called conservatives are all right with pussy grabbing.

But those motherfuckers get to own this.

Well, we get to find out exactly how gross things can get. I wonder whether/when I’ll get rounded up for the Trump Gulag. Will I be allowed to pack anything?